msd pro mag 44-big car/rotor question

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by tranman, Oct 11, 2006.

  1. tranman

    tranman Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    i'm sure this has probably come up before in other topics. We had a blower burst panel blow out about 3-4 races ago. only problem found was the rotor contact where it touches the electrode in the cap was burnt through. We put a new cap and rotor on, went out made 5-6 passes, tore it down for new rods and rings, and found the rotor contact burnt up again. Didnt have time order a complete setup so threw a new contact on the rotor and bent up to pre load to the cap a little, still burns it a little but not near as bad. We did find when it popped the burst panel also that one #1 plug wire, jus the outter layer of the shielding (red cover) was torn back from a plug wire retainer we use so the wires dont fly into the belt after the run. Guys at msd said they cant figure it out, even their "house cars" do it
  2. Spud_Miller

    Spud_Miller New Member

    Sep 1, 2006
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    Sounds like that flimsy/springy contact strip that sticks up and touches the cap is getting too hot and can't dissipate the heat quick enough - so it melts. I bet the material in the batch it was stamped from was at the low end of the thickness tolerance or something. Try putting two on it or make one from some material that's thicker than the standard stuff.

    I just saw a similar thing with a guy running the regular pro cap rotor on an 8.3 amp Super Mag. The brass strip got too hot and things came apart. He needed to be running the high amperage rotor that has more mass and surface area on the brass portion. The brass strip comes back and makes a lap around the middle to dissipate heat and a big dallop of high-temp epoxy holds the screw in.

  3. Doug

    Doug Member

    Jan 26, 2004
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    Check spark plug wires very carefully, if they have been on a long time it is prob. time for new ones. 44's can be hard on wires. Doug
  4. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    The Mag44 is even harder on coil wires. Most guys change them ever 5 or 6 runs.
  5. Thurston

    Thurston New

    Oct 25, 2004
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    44 amp mag

    The other thing I would check is the ground on the ignition system. MSD 44 require a very good ground other wise funny thing start happening.
  6. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Checking ignition wires can be hard to do. According to MSD the number one problem is the isulation breaks down on the outside and the conductor most of the time is still good. This breakdown takes the spark directly to ground. According to the guys in the MSD trailer at the races the number one cause of Mag troubles is bad ignition wires. If in doubt because you can't remeber when you changed them last then change them now.

    That is correct on the coild wire. You should change it more often because it gets used eight times the amount of a single plug wire.
  7. skianator

    skianator New Member

    Nov 6, 2006
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    Hey all...raced a 33willys s/g a few years back and had a Mallory Super Mag.
    The coil wire took a beating so much so it burnt up the center wire aobut 2.5in. up the center. shortely after that, the rotor tab also burnt. It was down hill after that with everthing else. Started chging coil wire after ever ten runs or problems after that.

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