looking for advice........

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by tranman, Oct 3, 2006.

  1. tranman

    tranman Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    hey everyone, jus wanted to get everyones advice on an approch here. i'm debating to go to a driving school to get my top alcohol license. Im not sure which one, but in just curious if its even worth it. A couple places that i've priced so far is right around 4500-5000 for the 3 day class. I have a few friends that run/have alcohol funny cars and dragsters and i'm half way sure they'd let me make license runs using their cars. I've have quite a bit of experience so far, for age 21 anyway. Started in the jr dragster ranks at age 8, graduated up to super classes and currently hold top dragster class and pro mod license. Latest ride has been a blown top dragster (8-71 Brad 526 hemi). It's running low 4.0s in 1/8th mile. Anyways, im just trying to get a direction or adice on a direction in which to persue. Any comments/advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!

  2. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Go to Hawley's. He has more to offer than just a race car.
  3. Ro Yale

    Ro Yale Member

    May 5, 2006
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    I totally agree. Hawley's is the place. I went and learned a lot that applied to other forms of racing as well. I got my TAFC license. It's cheaper than you could run your own car for, not to mention the BEST in the business teaching you. If you can't take critisism don't do it though. Frank pulls no punches. I'd do it again in a minute.
    Later, Ro Yale
    ps. I broke 2 world records at Bonneville salt flats where Franks lessons definately made a difference.
  4. nitromilt

    nitromilt New Member

    Feb 7, 2006
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    tad license

    I dont know much about hawleys program,but i can tell you about Bob Holleys.I licensed thru bob and he in my opinion is one of the most knowledgeable people in the tad buisness.He is an expert in this class.If you listen to his instruction you will have a very rewarding experience.Bob,along with his crew(chris,allen,richard and bobs great wife darlene)will make you feel like one of the team,and the end result will be your tad license.If you have any other question just let me know.Bob and his crew are all a 1st class operation.
  5. nitrohawk

    nitrohawk New Member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    Milt thanks for the kind words. You were a great student and will be a good driver in competetion.
    Bob Holley
  6. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    There's more to driving than sticking your foot down on the throttle. Hawley has insights that make his course worth the money even if he didn't have a car for you to drive.
  7. Don Hudson

    Don Hudson Supa fly

    Sep 22, 2003
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    more to cones than styrofoam..

    Since I'm driving Randy G.'s car next season, I would suggest that you do as he says(not kidding, just hoping..) Really, Hawleys is a great program and you will take whatever you learn from them to the track every time you race.
    Just my .02

    Randy , I have a California Car Duster..;)
  8. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Low blow! Can I email my address to you so you can send it? I need a new one of those dusters. Mine is full of oily parts and pieces of aluminum.

    An "old friend" contacted me in August and gave us the thumbs up to do a full schedule in 2007. Swayne will be pushing the loud pedal and I'm going to have to dust off my laptop and knee pads.

    I'm contacting Jeremy as we speak so he'll be prepared for the Ryder truck I'm sending over there to clean out the parts department.


    (end of thread hijack)

    Last edited: Oct 6, 2006
  9. Wes Tarkington

    Wes Tarkington Megalomaniac

    May 27, 2004
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    Ditto that on Hawley's. I've been twice...once for TAFC and another time with my own Top Dragster for a refresher. Took the standard course for the TAFC and got my license there. When I moved from 8.90 to T/D I was having difficulty adjusting to the car and the style of racing. Frank worked with me for 4 days in which I made at least 35 passes in my car...fine-tuning my starting line procedure, hitting the tree more consistently, and driving this faster car more cleanly/consistently. Worked wonders! The mental advice he offers is worth way more than the cost of the course or any physical skill you learn. My wife went for the S/C class (long before we met, mind you) and has the same great things to say about Frank and the entire staff.

    Side note...I went to Roy Hill's for the Pro Stock course. Don't waste your money.
  10. tranman

    tranman Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    thanks for all the great adivse guys.....looks like im probably going to try frank hawleys deal. I love the injected nitro cars but i believe i'd rather be in a funny car. too bad i cant get the best of both worlds and have an injected nitro funny car :D i got one more race at our local track in eddyville, iowa in 2 weeks and then i'll give em a call to see about availability and all that. Thanks again guys
  11. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Bingo. That's what I'm saying right there.

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