Blower Gear Lube

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by funnycarguy 230, Sep 19, 2006.

  1. funnycarguy 230

    Jul 6, 2004
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    What Do Most Guys Run For Gear Lube In A Roots Blower? Can You Run A Synthetic Lube? I Was Told That Darren Mayer Performance Has A Lube Just For Blowers Has Anyone Ever Heard Of This? Thanks
  2. Nathan Sitko - 625 TAD/TAFC

    Jun 24, 2003
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    We run 50 or 60 weight in ours, when we were running a Kobelco there was that green oil in it (2 or 4 stroke?), apparently it was because if the seals leaked the oil would still burn, unlike regular oil.
  3. Witchdoctor

    Witchdoctor Member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    I use synthetic 2 cycle oil. It comes in the small bottles and he is right. It burns in the engine if the seals leak. Got mine at Napa.
  4. Thurston

    Thurston New

    Oct 25, 2004
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    Gear Lube for Blowers

    Yes, DMP does have a gear lube for blowers. This is not someone else’s gear lube repackaged and re-labeled, but specifically designed by Darren for blowers. They also have a gel lube designed for lubing the Teflon strips, works great on fresh blowers, and helps seal and increase boost on blowers that haven't been re-striped for a while.
  5. Fuel Doctor

    Fuel Doctor Nitroholic

    Jul 22, 2004
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    We use Schaeffer Oil #167 gear lube.
  6. RBS

    RBS Authorized Merchant

    May 6, 2004
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    Gear Oil

    We Primarily Use 50 Wt. Motor Oil. We Have Used 80 90 Wt. Gear Oil, 2 Stroke Synthectic Mix Oil, Red Line Shock Proof Gear Oil That Looks Like Pepto Bismal, Tranny Fluid And So Far Have They All Have Worked Ok. I Would Tend To Think The Thinner The Oil The Less Power It Would Take To Spin And As Long As It Is Taking The Heat Away From The Gears And Keeping Protection On The Gears It's All Pretty Good. The One That Will Mix With Alch Probaly Also Is The Best Choice As It Is Lightweight And Will Run In A Event Of Seal Failure. Mike Kuhl Used To Use The Tranny Fluid In All The Blowers And He Told Me Back In The Day He Would Dabble Stp Motor Oil Treatment On The Gears Each Time Before A Run And That Was It. Lee At Merts Told Me A While Back That Noel Manton Of Manton Pushrod Fame Had Some New Fancy Stuff Out But I Think He Said It Was About 70.00 Per Quart. A Little Rich For My Blood But I'm Sure A Good Product. We Need Some One With A Dyno To Do A Shoot Out.
  7. DMPE

    DMPE Member

    Sep 22, 2006
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    Gear Oil

    Historically I have used 2 stroke oil in the gear cases of all Kobelco units; however we started to notice excessive surface wear on the ground gears. After some time using the same products we started to notice gear wear issues.
    Turns out the oil manufactures over time have been replacing the crude based molecules in the oil recipe with alternate man made additives. In some cases these additives may improve the oils performance and longevity however the gear case of a supercharger does not have coking or gumming or other specific automotive issues. Well not normally!
    We have recently have been working with Brad Penn with respect to the superchargers needs specifically. We have been running the Brad Penn gear oil in testing and to this point like what we see.
    While the gear oil is a synthetic oil, please remember synthetic means simply that the preferred molecules of the base crude are chosen and used from a quantity of crude, not that the oil is a man made substance. While there are True synthetic oils we do not normally meet the demands that would warrant the use or expense of such products.
    Ok enough with making everyone think this is senior level Fuels and Lubes class. Im not a fan of 2 stroke oil in the blower. It does not do a good job of protecting the supercharger, but is a good idea if the snout seal should ever fail. So keep up with supercharger preventive maintaince and don’t use it. A synthetic based gear oil is needed for the supercharger gear protection. A lighter weight gear oil will work in most cases. Long to damn long snouts need a higher viscosity gear oil (SAE 90) to protect the snout bearings as they can find themselves without the oil quantity to cool the snout bearings properly.
    Do not use to much oil or the gear case will get hot and cause premature gear and bearing wear. Too little and of course it will skid to a stop. (Ive done it).
    Hope this helps
  8. eli

    eli Banned

    Dec 24, 2005
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    We always used Caster oil. The kind you take when your sick, it burns and it dont take much h/p to turn it in the gears. ;)

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