Mags And Amps

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by funnycarguy 230, Aug 18, 2006.

  1. funnycarguy 230

    Jul 6, 2004
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    Is It Worth The Money And Time To Step Up A Mallory Mag Lets Say From A 3 To A 4 Or Maybe A 5 To A 8 Amp. I See That Some Places Can Up The Output Of The Super Mag To 8 Amps And I'm Sure It Makes A Differenence When Making A Big Jump But What About 1 Or 2 Amps Even 3 If Your Running Alcohol. Can You Tell That Much Difference Other Than You Might Be Able Run A Little More Fuel.i Have Heard That You Need More Amps To Run Nitro. Any Thoughts?? Remember Were Talking Super Mags Here Not Msd 44s No I'm Not Changing Anything Just Asking Lol
  2. TOL

    TOL Active Member

    May 18, 2005
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  3. M Tigges

    M Tigges TAFC

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Msd.......That Mallory stuff is more trouble then its worth, when we used to run it 8 years ago we had a whole kit full of parts etc (point condensers), not to mention coils every 3 runs or if it shook real bad every run. then the electronic stuff they had use to crap the points box all the time, glad those days are over!
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2006
  4. Bob Meyer

    Bob Meyer Comp Eliminator

    May 13, 2003
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    NO,...........vioce of experiance
  5. Spud_Miller

    Spud_Miller New Member

    Sep 1, 2006
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    I perform upgrades to Mallory and Vertex mags and have a bunch of customers that have moved to/from the various makes and models. Believe me, I do hear about the results :)

    The upgrade can be worth it if you need more mag, the question you? The cost of upgrading a Super Mag is a scant few hundred dollars. Upgrading to a Pro Mag setup is pretty danged expensive.

    If you are running a Super Mag I, II or III, the upgrade to a IV or V is terrific because you no longer need to have the magnet recharged. Depending on how many passes you make a year, a IV can run for several seasons on one set of points (unless you let it get moist or damp from sitting in the trailer). The SM V's are a little harder on points and should get a new set every year for sure. The points for these have been redesigned in the last 2 years, and they are very reliable now.

    Pretty much the only thing that can go wrong with a Super Mag is the points and those are pretty simple to fix at the track with a $15 spare set in the trailer. Maybe an extra coil is good to have just in case...$180. If your Pro Mag fizzles, you won't be fixing it at the track! You'll need a spare electronics box in your trailer a well as spare wires, etc....those add up to a lot more than $195. If you've got the bucks for the setup and the spare stuff, the Pro Mags certainly can't be beat. If your car is running fine on a Super Mag III or IV, then the money that a Pro Mag would cost could probably be put elsewhere in your car for more gain.

    If you plan to run some nitro (up to 50-60%) in a supercharged application, a Super Mag will work just fine. With the excellent magnets available now, I can build an 8.3 amp Super Mag V. Those make about the same poop at the plug as a Pro Mag 20. A hot rodded (5 amp) Super Mag IV (properly adjusted) is pretty much equivalent to a Pro Mag 12. The primary amperage numbers do NOT translate between the brands...they are completely different animals.

    Will a Pro Mag 44 burn more fuel? Yup, for sure - but it ends up as pretty expensive horsepower. If everything else on your car is maxxed out and there isn't anything else to spend a few thousand dollars on to make it go faster, then you're ready for the 44.

    Last edited: Sep 1, 2006

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