Jay Payne

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Randy G., Jul 29, 2006.

  1. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    BIG power from the BAE powerplant. WOW.
  2. coastie

    coastie New Member

    May 29, 2006
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    That is one bad assed moonshot! What a pass.:cool:
  3. mike w.

    mike w. TAFC

    Jun 20, 2004
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    I'll make that a double wow and offer my congratulations to Jay for a fine tune up. Too bad it couldn't be one of those Sonoma -100' corrected days. By the way Randy it's to bad you can't be out their going after these guys!
  4. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    I kept getting phone calls all weekend from my crew guys saying stuff like "Last year it was hotter at Infineon and Larry Miner still drove our car to low et of the meet with a 5.62. We could have done real well this year."

    "That was last year, this is this year," I tell them.

    As you know, the Real Estate mortgage market has come to a huge halt here in Southern California. So, as a Real Estate Appraiser my business is down about 60% from last year and 75-80% from the year before. I'm just trying to keep my head above water right now. With a lot of prayer and some solid connections I just picked up JPMorgan Chase and Washington Mutual as new clients, but business is off for them, too. Time will tell.

    Regarding the TA/FC, ever since Pete's fine showing at the 2006 Winternationals in Pomona, we have been parked due to financial constraints and Pete's home project. Pete is a very likable and hard working guy who has a good history in the car including a Divisional Championship for us. Our plan was to possibly come out next year and run a handfull of races with Pete at the wheel, but that's not my style. I want to run it a lot...I want to learn...I want to run it hard every run...and I want to win.

    But the big news is 4 days ago I got an email from an "Old Friend" which was very encouraging. I have to admit I got a little emotional when I read it. Stay tuned.

  5. Darren Smith

    Darren Smith New Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Randy, we are getting More Californians here in Az. than you can shake a stick at! I have relatives in Reno, Nv. who say the same thing! Skyhigh Taxes are sucking the Commerce out of Calif. at an alarming rate!

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