Hot Rod Fuller Article?

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Dan Lynch, Jul 18, 2006.

  1. Dan Lynch

    Dan Lynch Member

    May 7, 2003
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    SO does anyone care to comment on Hot Rod's comments in this article.

    Hot Rod Fuller and his lessons of perserverance...

    This line in particular...

    "For me, I felt like Alcohol was kind of not a place that really where the really good race car drivers were at"

    Those words sound like a major slam to all that great alky racers out there past and present...
  2. O.J.D.

    O.J.D. New Member

    Mar 28, 2006
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    sounded to me like he slammed just about everyone but himself in that article...

    if you never got in one, how can you comment on how someone else has done??

    is he not way off to think anyone with a little exp. can just jump into a fueled car and do well?? Dixon, Bernstein, Schumacher, or someone just slap him.

    ...just a bunch of talk'in out the A$$
  3. Chsbldr

    Chsbldr Member

    Jul 4, 2005
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    Im sorry to say but I have to 2nd your thoughts! Of course you have to Give him his kudos for what he has done thus far in his career.
    But in my mind his comments about jumping right into a Fuel car, and passing right by Alcohol really does slam those who had their start in the TAD Classes.
    but that is just my $.02 worth
  4. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    hard to drive...

    whether or not i ever become successful as a driver remains to be seen, but if i ever do have success, i would hope the pats on the back come from other people. sounds like some serious insecurity issues to have to pump yourself up that much. for a crew chief the scoreboard does the talking, for a driver, let wally talk for you.

    he's got a point as far as making a living alcohol racing, it's much easier to make a living sportsman racing....the payout to expense ratio is much greater. i'd like to see the last time he took his sc operation to a race for $500...but thats another story.

    but to say the good drivers aren't in alcohol racing...that's a pretty classless slam. he says he can win in anything...well come get you some alcohol. not a point and steer a/fd, but come get you some tafc. lets see....blaine, darrell, scelzi, cory mac, melanie, tj, shoe. there are also some badasses out there from the period he mentioned that never got a shot at a fuel car that were some awesome drivers. i'll put manzo and pat austin against anything in tf/fc....bartone would be my third pick.

    then again, you got to give him some credit, it has to be pretty hard to drive that tf with one hand while the other is patting his own back...:rolleyes:

    i had some respect for the guy coming from the sportsman ranks, but thats pretty well gone now.

    -just a no name no drivin tafc flunkie...
  5. tad2155

    tad2155 Member

    Jul 7, 2003
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    ask him how he got his ride would like to know the real story

    guess he forgot all the fuel guys who came from alcohol cars

    oh by the way i got some ole buddies still making the good stuff and
    wearing the white suits would love to meet mr fuller and show him
    real alcohol

    the original bama boy
  6. Dan Lynch

    Dan Lynch Member

    May 7, 2003
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    I see many of you had the same opinion as I after reading that article...

    Pretty classless in my opinion...
  7. Cricket

    Cricket New Member

    Oct 29, 2005
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    Hotrod Fuller

    Sounds to me like he has short man syndrome. Now don't pick on me, as I am short as well.

    But anyone I have met (I am not saying everyone is) that is short, seems to have this inferiority complex and projects themselves as something better than they are.

    He needs to get into an Alcohol Funny Car before slamming the class. If you haven't driven one, you can't comment on the class.

    Just my 2 cents worth
  8. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    Steve Evans said it years ago, the alcohol funny car is the hardest car to drive at the drags. I would love a shot at a point and steer nitro car. They look to be almost as tough to drive as a centrifugal clutched go kart.
  9. kosky racing

    kosky racing Comp Eliminator

    May 11, 2003
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    Going nowhere

    In response to mr. Fullers take notice no cap's for his name. may he enjoy all that he thinks he has acheived with out having to go thru the ranks. Alcohol racing is a waste of time? :mad: Start out in jr. dragster then go to the top! Don't think thats they way it happens. Not everyone has that silver spoon of B.S. Where do you come off thinking you are better than any other racer.You may have won a few but let's see how long it lasts with your attitude. Racers race for respect for what they accomplish. you have shown none by your remark's. I think you have shown a lot of disrespect to a lot of racers. May you enjoy all that have done . Telling the rest of the racers that run these classes, your wasting your time. Myself and others were proud of you untill these remarks.I guess a lot of us will always be just what we are, just dumb alcohol racers. We all have attitudes and I just finally got one. this is adressed to you! LOT'S of luck mr. fooler.
  10. F/C Girl

    F/C Girl New Member

    Feb 9, 2005
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    I usually just read the threads, but Cheers to Dave Germain for your comment. That just cracked me up.

    I know Rod really well, and he's always been really supportive, so I'll call him on it at Brainerd, if we're not tooo busy to go to the fuel pits :)

    Nancy Matter
    7617 TA/FC
  11. Ed Vickroy

    Ed Vickroy New Member

    May 7, 2003
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    not such a hot rod fuller

    :rolleyes: Maybe its just that i'm Old But i still remember that Respect is earned NOT handed to you because of where you are. Dues are earned also Not bought !
    It is a shame that a so called fellow drag racer has the attitude to verbally put down other Class drag racers. I for one would like to know what other Top Fuel people think of mr fullers comments such as Allen Johnson, Brandon Bernstien, Gary Scelzi even Joe Amatto.
  12. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Jack Wad Fuller says Chris Russell and David Powers picked him because he's like Darryl Russell. I've got news for Jack Wad. I knew Darryl Russell, and you ain't no Darryl Russell, Jack.

    Lee Beard has given him a fast car. Jack Wad is fortunate enough to be in it. I would say Jack Wad isn't qualified to wipe the fecal residue from Cory Mac's rearmost orifice.

    I only have a couple more disrespectful things to say.

    #1. No one knows Jack Wad better than his wife. She left him.

    #2 Jack Wad made an attempt to compare himself and elevate himself above his fellow racers, ie: he says he out pedalled Brandon like he expected to do so. Brandon is still a rookie himself.

    #3 Saying Jack Wad would hold his own against Doug Kalitta, or better yet one of the best drivers in top fuel today, David Grubnic, is like saying Pee Wee Herman could go toe to toe with Mike Tyson.

    Pride goes before the fall. I hope David Powers and Chris Russell read this and realize what a total self righteous moron their self proclaimed hero driver is and find someone with a little humility to replace him immediately in the car.

    That idiot gives no credit to the crew, and even discounts Lee Beard's contribution by saying "before Lee I was in 2 finals so...I'm the man."

    Since Jack Wad is such a great driver with a keen sense, I'd like to ask Lee Beard to give him a chance to prove himself. On Jack's first run in Seattle, leave the rev limiter off the injector so we can see his talent on a burnout as he tries to keep the rods from ending up in Brandon Bernstein's lane. I bet Jack can't even do a burnout.

    And as for diss'ing the alky racers. You just diss'd Brandon Bernstein, Gary Scelzi, Scott Kalitta, Tim Wilkerson, Joe Amato, Tommy Johnson, Jr., Ron Capps, Melanie Troxel, Hillary Will, should I go on? Worsham's, Cruz Pedregon, Cory Mac, David Baca, Troy Buff, Mike Strausberg, Morgan Lucas, Scott Weiss, Tony Bartone...and a host of others, Jack Wad.

    I predict in the future when the real legends of top fuel are announced, Jack Wad's name will only be called when the toilet backs up in the employee parking lot.
  13. Dan Lynch

    Dan Lynch Member

    May 7, 2003
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    Randy you have such a way with words... I enjoyed every line...

    I love the name...
  14. Worms

    Worms Member

    Feb 6, 2006
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    All I can say is..... WOW!!!! You go Randy!!!! couldn't agree more although I wouldn't have been able to put it so colorfully. :p :p :p I wonder how long this thread will last?
  15. eli

    eli Banned

    Dec 24, 2005
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    Will think about it, if you went to pat him on the back, hes so SHORT that you would slap him in the back of his head,:rolleyes: :D
  16. Henry Charest

    Henry Charest New Member

    May 31, 2006
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    More MiniMe

    The other day someone told me Fuller is so short you can see his feet on his drivers license photo.
  17. OUTLAW

    OUTLAW New Member

    Dec 1, 2005
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    Rod Fuller had a good point actually, he said he could go SC racing for $500. I'm sure that meant $500 of his OWN money since that big Valvoline logo probably picked up the fuel for the transporter, BOTH race cars and all the other expenses. Lets give him the benefit of the doubt though, it was his pure driving ability that got him that ride, not the red white and blue colors of Valvoline that now adorns the crew, car and everything else associated with that team. For giggles and grins I recently sent an email (along with a video of my race car) to Don Schumacher Racing, to inquire how I could get my name thrown into the hat for consideration for a driving position. I race Outlaw Pro Modified and am NOT an NHRA "regular". I didnt expect to get a response but to my suprise I did and was told that it was "all about the money" and that "drivers are bringing sponsorship dollars to the table" translation, it doesnt matter WHAT you THINK you can do in a race car, all that matters is the money that you bring to the team. If Fuller was such a $hit hot bracket racer than why isnt he out making the big bucks like Scotty, Edmond, Luke, and the other "Hitters" in the big money bracket racing world?
  18. alky racer

    alky racer New Member

    Mar 19, 2006
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    I have known and raced with Rod for years and after I read the article I to was shocked. After a few minutes of thought the only logical conclusion is that this article was written by someone that must off taken everything Rod said and twisted it sideways, and put there own spin on it. When I started bracket racing Rod was one of the first people to help me out and show me the ropes. I have walked thruoug the pro pits many a time and every time I see Rod he always has a sportsman driver over in his bit hanging out or getting advice on who there racing. I am sure Brandon Berstien would do that for anyone! As far as making cracks on why his wife left that is way out of line. Just so you know the throttle stop did get left off during a burnout this year and Rod caught it and it did not kick the rods out. It was during a ESPN telivised run so I am sure others could tell you which race it was. I am going to go find Rod at Seattle this weekend and ask about this whole mess maybe we can get him to come on here and explain what this whole mess is about.
  19. Bob Meyer

    Bob Meyer Comp Eliminator

    May 13, 2003
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    Please do. He was not chosen because he was anywhere close to the personality of Darrell, it was because he came with Valvoline money!
    Before Chris and Burnell left the Powers deal, Chris introduced my wife and I to him a year and a half ago with a handshake, just in case that's not long enough ago to rub it off, I think I'll go scrub that hand right now.
    I hope he can go back to S/C where the driver DOES make the difference. Reality please.
  20. Squirillkiller

    Squirillkiller New Member

    May 2, 2006
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    lightning rod

    I hope your right and his words were spun on him, because the pit area sure dosen't need any more I'm gods gift fuel racer. I did hear super rod on a radio show when I was driving home from a race and they interviewed him for atleast 45min it was a talk show and he never came off like this, they talked to him about his history and I found him to be very humble so this blew me away, don't get me wrong I not sticking up for him maybe the wins got in his head. His drivers lic must read higth 4feet 3in, with ego 6 feet 7 in. Tyler Teal

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