Hemi batterys

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by H BROWN, Jul 10, 2006.

  1. H BROWN

    H BROWN blown alky

    Sep 20, 2004
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    Has anyone used the red top OPTIMA batterys in there car to start a hemi? I am close to starting and I have a starter from COAN that came with my adapter plate to a chevy bell housing and wonder if I should use these batterys that I have wired 12v or 24 volt. Got a mag 44 and probably need to get crank speed up faster. Wanted the turbo start batteries and charger but learned they are gone. these batterys are only 130.00 each and hopefully can use my snap on charger to top off between rounds. Any ideas or tips are appreciated. thanks howard
  2. RBS

    RBS Authorized Merchant

    May 6, 2004
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    As A Option Check Out The Oddesey Line They Have Some Nice Stuff As Well The Optima's Should Work Well Just Kinda Big With Two You Might Be Able To Get With One Intermediate Size One.
  3. JP

    JP Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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    I have two red top optima batteries and a CVR starter with a custom plate I made. I use a super mag 44 , retarder and rear light, we get betwen 5-8 starts in a day without recharging ( if everything is going good we recharge every two runs). KB 525 with a hh 14-71 littlefield.
  4. hemi altered 378

    hemi altered 378 Blown Altered

    Jul 3, 2004
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    we have a 540" hemi with a 14-71 hi-helix and msd mag. we currently run 2 optima red top batteries in our car. i can start our car at least 20 times and never touch the batteries. we run ours on 24 volts. you absolutely need 24 volts, we went through starter woes for years and this solved everything. we have a little gpe starter mounted to the motorplate and it works great.hope this helps.
  5. Witchdoctor

    Witchdoctor Member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    Howard, I can't argue with these guys but I ran two smaller batteries- (rock something or other from summit) at 24 volts. I charged them and could get barely 1 start out of them. I always ran a turbo start 16 volt but as you couldn't get one when they went out of business so i switched to the 24 volt. I run a KB olds with a 14.71 SSI. If the blower is tight it will start harder too. This saturday I had enough with the no starts. I went to summit and got a 16 volt powermaster and the charger to go with it. Out the door $400.00 for both. Car starts easily now. Hope this helps. Did you ever do anything with the marketing CD? Jon
  6. H BROWN

    H BROWN blown alky

    Sep 20, 2004
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    Thanks for all the help, I probably will go with the powermaster due to my luck 24 volts will fry my starter even though it works for everyone else.:rolleyes:
    Hey witchdoctor I had a temporary set back due to the birth of my first daughter (my new driver in about 16 years) :D and she was worth the wait, but I am back on track now and will get you some current updated HEMI pictures and hopefully some time slip numbers for the CD. thanks for all the help.Howard
  7. Chuck Anderika

    Sep 13, 2005
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    Turbostart batteries

    Turbostart batteries are back in business and I have their 16V Batteries and chargers in stock now. Chuck Anderika East coast Auto Electric 570 457 0553
  8. JP

    JP Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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    Hey guys! keep us posted on that 16 volts setup. Because 24 volts this setup including all extra gear (swith, cables ect) is like 24 pds extra.

    OUTLAW New Member

    Dec 1, 2005
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    Depending on the rules you guys have to use I've set up my Pro Mod this way: I bought a SMALL 12v battery from Odyssey, weighs around 15lbs and was only $89. Now for the tricky part, my car has an on board starter, Tim Mcamis Midplate and starter adapter, I ran a short cable from the solenoid to a charger plug mounted just inside the passenger door, I have 2 12v. batts in the golf cart wired in series, the crew opens the door and plugs the 24v in, we start the car, un plug the 24v and now not only do Not have to carry 2 full sized batteries but the 12v battery to run the Racepak and lights, etc. is at least 30lbs lighter than a conventional group 24 battery!

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