a/fuel clutch baseline

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by a/fuel goddess, Jul 10, 2006.

  1. a/fuel goddess

    a/fuel goddess New Member

    Jun 14, 2006
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    my dad and i are getting our new a/fuel dragster togather and are searching for a base line tune up for our crower 12 finger, 6 stand, 6 stall spring clutch.
    for instance: what whould be a good starting point as far as radius and weight for the fingers, and what would be a good starting point as to where i would set my stall spring height?
    does anyone give this info out for free?
  2. RBS

    RBS Authorized Merchant

    May 6, 2004
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    call bob ottow he probaly has some parts you need as well as some info 530-308-8827
  3. Ed Vickroy

    Ed Vickroy New Member

    May 7, 2003
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    clutch setups

    theres no body better it getting you set up (in my opinion) then Bob or Randy Eakins at East/West clutches 775 246 9955
  4. racewrenchhead

    racewrenchhead New Member

    Jul 11, 2006
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    clutch info with picture of weight placement

    well i would say run a 250 long lever & a 265 short a good weight
    to start with is 460 grams crower sells that hardware kit with it @ exactly
    460 grams pre measued part # 78450ts also use these stall springs from crower part#78413s-1 known as the tractor or brown spring they are 2750 lbs . springs & work great for setting stall , & for lockup around 3.0 sec to 3.50, or less depending on your tune up & set them @ 1 1/2 turns to start
    then when you tugg on the motor on nitro on high side ,& make it idle around 1950 to 2000 rpm if the idle is too high TURN nuts "OUT" on stall springs
    a flatt or two at a time if idle is too low turn nuts" IN "& free it up A FLATT @a time set air gap @ .035 cold & .040 after warm up & recheck & adj if nesassary , thru clutch can set stop against clutch pedal with pedal 1/4 " away from stop , & push in clutch while starting , that distance between stop & pedal doesnt seem like much but when car start the pedal will move back towards driver & will be , inthe sweet spot when applied , this is important if gap is too great the fork will travel over center & reapply clutch load & the rear tires will roll with clutch pedal against the stop
    or the most common reason for cars not backing up after burnout
    & use the fllattest disck & floaters within a half thousands with no taper
    otherwise you will loose the load from the clutch & it will just drop holes

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