Properly Shutting Down A Alky Engine

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by funnycarguy 230, Jul 4, 2006.

  1. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Try this on for size.......

    I was trying to think of the reason why the aluminum rods may not be able to take rapid de-accelaration. At 2:30 last night I came up with a possible reason. During a normal acceleration run the ignition of the fuel mixture pushes the piston down against the top bearing and the shock of the explosion is absorbed through the rod beam and the rod actually compresses some. The upper bearing is fully supported by the upper part of the rod including the beam. On power off, high RPM rapid de-accelaration the piston is nothing but a free weight on the end of the rod that is being thrown out at high speed then yanked back in the opposite direction by the rod. The part of the rod that takes the abuse of changing the direction of the piston travel is now just the bottom bearing and the rod cap with nothing else on the other side of the bearing cap for reinforcement to absorb the shock or offer support. This kind of force probably tries to reshapes the large bearing hole of the rod to an elliptical shape and attempts to squeeze the rod bolts together and bend bearing cap. This in turn with the impact of the sudden change of direction of the piston causes the rod cap to crack.
  2. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    kill switch before fuel

    i dont know about the higher comp ratios that the roots cars run, what effect that would have on them. i know thats the way i've killed the car every run, i know that lee callaway kills his blown car like that and alan bradshaw did the same with his blown car...never had any problems of hydraulic lock.

    with the lencodrive you pull one gear out to freewheel the motor.
  3. kosky racing

    kosky racing Comp Eliminator

    May 11, 2003
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    How to stop

    Put the chute out get off the gas put in the clutch kill it get on the brakes! Mike
  4. hemi altered 378

    hemi altered 378 Blown Altered

    Jul 3, 2004
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    mike makes things so much easier
  5. Nathan Sitko - 625 TAD/TAFC

    Jun 24, 2003
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    Bob thanks for the insight...not sure if I could picture Bucky in those shiny black shoes lol...Yes that is probably what he meant, never really thought of it that way.
  6. tjenna

    tjenna Top Alcohol

    May 15, 2003
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    Nice post mike.

    Sounds like you have done that a couple of times.

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