Some computer-data related questions...

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Funny_Winne, Mar 30, 2006.

  1. Funny_Winne

    Funny_Winne New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Hello Folks,
    I am part of the only Funnycar team in Belgium, surely you have seen Danny from Belgium here on the forum, he's the owner and driver of the team.
    I am normally responsible for the fuel system of the engine, and the data logging, since I am professionally involved with software.
    We purchased an Autometer Data logging system, and we also changed from a Enderle pump to a waterman red pump, also the engine is an other one then last year, actually, only the blower (PSI) and hat are the same.
    The Autometer data system has a few pressure sensors and also a flow meter. Allthough I still have to figure out how to connect all that (there is a frequency converter in the package that I cannot even find back on Autometer's website, and of which I don't know what it is used for...). As you can see, it is a used system we bought, we are budget racers with no sponsoring at all...

    So the questions I have are the following, we used to run separate return lines from the barrel valve back to the tank for the main jet, for the high speed and for the pump saver. There was no pump sizer used in the system (with the Enderle 1000 pump)
    Now that we have the Waterman pump, are we going to need a pump sizer? We have seen many collegues running their return lines to a junction block and back to the inlet port of the pump, is that a good idea? (aeration?)

    What would be a good setup to do for logging the data of the fuel to the logger, where do I place the flow meter, and where do I place the pressure sensors for best and useable data? We use an enderle fuel barrel valve, hat and port nozzles, pretty standard stuff I guess...

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Greetings from Belgium!

    Last edited: Mar 30, 2006
  2. Lethal Threat Racing

    Apr 18, 2004
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    Randy at RPM performance it the one that built those units and sold them to Autometer. You should call him. I just whent bye his shop this afternoon. He is Great guy and will be your best source for help.


    Todd Martin :eek:
  3. danny

    danny compet elimin

    Dec 14, 2003
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    Hi Winne der komt nie veel reactie op mer zo komt dien weer van boven staan en misscien da er iemand da terug leest grtz danny
  4. Worms

    Worms Member

    Feb 6, 2006
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    Yup........what he said !!!!!!!!??????????:confused: :confused: :confused:
  5. eli

    eli Banned

    Dec 24, 2005
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    Danny Lui colloqui divertenti
  6. eli

    eli Banned

    Dec 24, 2005
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    Danny Lui colloqui divertenti

    All kidding aside, if you were a plummer, and you conected 3 -4 in pipes into a manafold going into 1 -4 in pipe woulden`t you think that the 3 -4 in pipes would start to back up and you would be flooding or restricting the flow of said pipes??? I know everyone dose it,but I have to wonder what the beenifit to this is, I would think that if you ran a # 10 line back to the tank and manifold the # 6 lines to it, it would flow better and not interfear with the flow of the pump, think about it, you got a pump loop ,a hi speed, (if used) and low speed, all forcing its way into the flow of the pump suction, sideways no less, don`t you think it will afect the flow of the pump?? plus when the car is going down the track and gets into a little tire shake that pump is shaking too and the poppets are coming off there seat, then it goes into more tire shake cuz you just ran out of more fuel.back in the 60s there was no such thing as tire shake, all the lines went back to the tank, oh gee a little more weight, but no shake.One other thing all the poppet holders should be inbetween two hoses to insalate them from any tire shake, not mounted solid as they are now. ;)
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2006


    Dec 8, 2004
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    Like BLOWN VETTE said CALL RANDY @ RPM 405-495-0454

    He built that stuff for autometer and he can help you set it up. He is a GREAT guy and will help you a lot. He knows his stuff really well. You need all the fuel that goes to the motor to run through the flow meter...All the fuel after the barrel valve for both hat and port lines!!! Randy can help you. Also he needs to configure your frequency converter to match the output that the recorder needs to see. (Pressure vs frequency)

    405-495-0454 Tell him MARK sent you and maybe I'll get some free stuff.

    This is not a paid advertisment! We run his deal on our car and it works all the time. Flow meter, 8 egt's, 2 fuel pressures, boost pressure, G-meter, engine rpm, input shaft rpm, drive shaft (wheel) rpm, and oil pressure.
  8. danny

    danny compet elimin

    Dec 14, 2003
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    Hi Guys what i said ( in our language ) is there's not mutch responce ,and maybe if it comes back to the top someone will respond .It's like a bump to the top ok ?We can use all the help we can get as we don't have other people here in Belgium to ask our ( stupid ) questions on and we hope to solve our problems with the help off you guy's.We try verry hard to keep our funnycar running over here but it's not easy as we are like "the lone some rangers" .Grtz Danny
  9. Funny_Winne

    Funny_Winne New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Wa have indeed been running all our return lines back to the tank. I think this gives indeed the most consistent solution, because at least the pump will not notice any difference due to poppets opening and closing...
    Allthough we have been told to run separate lines back to the tank (so as not to influence other poppets with backpressure), I think it should be possible to have them come together in a distributor block, and then run a thicker line back to the tank...

    As for the fuel flow, since we have a barrel valve that splits up inside the barrel valve, we will need 2 flow meters to monitor the total amount of fuel delivered to the engine...

    What exactly is the use of knowing how much fuel went into the engine, for air/fuel ratio calculations?

  10. eli

    eli Banned

    Dec 24, 2005
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  11. flash

    flash top alcohol

    May 12, 2003
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    flow meter setup

    if this is the autometer data logger that was purchased from kd hill,he purchased it from me,the converter plugs into the 3rd aux channel,it has already been setup by randy on that channel for me when we ran it on our funny car,it worked great!! the cable for the flow meter is also different fron the other cables althought they all look alike,I told kd hill to keep that cable with the flow meter and converter as to not get them mixed up,I hope he did that.anymore questions about this setup let me know.
  12. danny

    danny compet elimin

    Dec 14, 2003
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    data recorder

    Hi flash yip it's the data recorder from KD,so if we need to know how to plug it your the guy how knows the answers
    please give your mailing address to Erwin ;) if he needs more info grtz Danny
  13. flash

    flash top alcohol

    May 12, 2003
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