blower cam question

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by James D, Mar 31, 2006.

  1. James D

    James D New Member

    Mar 2, 2005
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    I'm close to having my engine together and I need to decide on what cam to run. Engine is BBC 4.560 x 4.50 588ci Dart 355's 11.5/1 compression 1471 hi-helix at 12% over. Car is altered/funnycar with p/g 1.87 first gear 4.30 gears and 34.5 tall tire. Running an Enderle 110 13 gpm pump.

    Here's what I have;

    Crane 810/790 lift 328/350 advertised duration 286/308 @.050 115 lc
    intake opens/closes 53.0 BTDC and 95.0 ABDC exhaust 114.0 BBDC and 56. ATDC @.020

    Crane 819/816 328/356 288/316@.050 116 lc
    intake 48./100. exhaust 114/62

    Would either cam be a good choice? If not what should I be looking for?

    I 'll be running 10 nozzles up and 8 down. Thanks for any help, james
  2. hemi altered 378

    hemi altered 378 Blown Altered

    Jul 3, 2004
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    if i were you i would talk to jim oddy, he can definately point you in the right direction.

    EXTREME B/FC Jr. Dragster

    Feb 7, 2004
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    Hi James,

    Your combination is very close to what I have in my F/C.
    I run a Rodeck 481t solid block with Dart 360 solid heads.
    My bore & stroke are pretty much the same at 580”
    Same transmission with a brake and a 3500 10-1/2" converter, but I run a 36” tall tire.
    My cam is very close to the smaller one you listed.
    I run the same type blower 14-71 HH delta @ 15% over but use a 1-1/2” setback plate and a PSI hat all on a long runner custom intake.
    My fuel pump is a little larger too @ 15.7GPM with the same nozzle arrangement.
    Ignition is a hopped up SM-IV.

    If you talk to Jim Oddy I would like to hear what he has to say. I was told that the 4-1/2” stroke with a converter would chop about ½ the life out of the rods and crank. Let me know what he tells you.

    Feel free to email or call me.

    Last edited: Mar 31, 2006
  4. Mudwrench

    Mudwrench Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    I am at about the same point you are with a 572 Chevy in KB Olds block with 18 Degree Pontiac heads and a Whipple blower. I have been playing with Desk Top Dyno ( figure it is at least better than wild ass guess. )for 2 years trying to find the perfect cam. I found a man that had Oddy's big cam and worked out the specs with a cam doctor. I was impressed to see it put about 40 more horsepower on the board. I would not put the Specs. on this board out of respect to Oddy because I know he likes keeping secrets. Get a message to me and I will give you some hints.
    I am running a big tractor tired mudracer and need all the torque I can make with max Rpm of about 7600 to 7800. I called Chase Knight [True Guru) with Crane and he speced out a cam for me that made more power than Oddy's. I have also had all the major Cam companys suggest some specs. and it seemed like nobody agreed on anything that was even close. One other guy named Kieth with Comp Cams gave some good specs. Some suggested 112 lobe centers and some suggested 114. I would have to say the first cam listed in your post is very close to Ideal in the homework I have done.

    I am also very interested in the part about the converter taking life away from the rods, never heard that before...

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