Thank you, Will Hanna!

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Randy G., Jul 30, 2003.

  1. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Thank you for doing the right thing. We have very few places to turn as alcohol racers to discuss things that matter to us.

    A newbie should be able to log on here with a handfull of very good questions and get great answers from guys like Kevin "The Joker" Brown, Marty Thacker, Marc White, The WOZ or any number of excellent racers who can answer questions based on years of experience. I think that INSIDETOPALCOHOL.COM has the ability to become a tremendous source of information and connections for the growth of our classes and a place for us West Coast folks to get to know you East coast folks.

    But when jerks who have other agendas see fit to destroy any attempts you have at making this web site a valuable alcohol resource, it drives the great racers away. Soon this site will get as many hits as if it's not fixed right.

    The rules for this site should include standards which calls for constuctive top alcohol & A/fuel discussions. If a poster comes along with an agenda which detracts from our discussions like our promod buddies have, the plug needs to be pulled immediately on their ability to participate. Censorship? Yep! It's Will Hanna's site and it's called INSIDETOPALCOHOL.COM.

    I wonder how much more information would have come out on the thread you closed if it hadn't turned into a promod infomercial? How many respected racers would log on and join in on some of these discussions? I wish all this was available to me when I first put a blower on my car many years ago. I could have saved a lot of time and money, too.

    Anyway, Will, I know you'll do the right thing. I talked to a "big name" alky racer this morning who said he's done coming here because any attempts to answer questions asked by others is just ammunition for the invaders who've chosen to infest this site with off-topic BS. The bleeding will stop, a scab will form, and the scar will be minimal.

    BTW, if you think no one really reads this stuff, your off base. You'd be surprised who does.
  2. 400lb Gorilla

    400lb Gorilla Super Comp

    Jul 10, 2003
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    Ditto what Randy G. said...............
  3. Outlaw Nick

    Outlaw Nick Top Dragster

    Jun 22, 2003
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    If Alcohol racing survives and flourishes it will be in spite of and not because of participants like you. Your childish behavoir, arrogant attitude, and blatant insults would make any sane person think twice about competing in any class that you are a part of. I know that you are not a true representitive of alky racers but how many others do?

    I do not have an "agenda" as you put it. I have opinions. I did not come to be insulted by the likes of you. I came here to give my opinions and hopefuly to make a positive contribution to alcohol racing. I am rapidly losing my desire to do that. People like you give your class a bad name Randy and you had better think long and hard about that. And I do mean think, not go off on one of your little tantrums that you have shown us in the past.


    If you feel that I have insulted Randy and made a personal attack on him, keep in mind that your esteemed members have refered to myself and Grant as fleas, ants and jerks among other things. I feel that up until now I have been respectful and civil in my posts on this bulliten board. Randy seems to feel he knows how to run this board better than you do. Well, if you would like to end up with an alkymater on your hands then I would suggest you follow his advice. I will no longer respond to any of this abuse. People who feel they must demean anyone with an opinion different from theirs are unworthy of any reply.

    In closing I would like to thank all the members of this website who have taken the time to read and think about the things I have said. Your reward will be having the advantage of understanding a different point of view.

    [ July 30, 2003, 09:32 PM: Message edited by: Outlaw Nick ]
  4. was R4K

    was R4K Member

    Jun 20, 2003
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    The way I look at this pro mod vs TAD or TA/FC is this- I have only competed in the latter 2 classes (presently TAD) but I find that an alky / blown pro mod is of interest to me even if I never develope the desire to compete in that class. So instead of a war of words, why not some intelligent info- I may be a red neck, but I'm not closed minded and every bit of info is good, cause the computer on my shoulders is not yet full. I do suffer from a poor filing system on occassion though, as I sometimes can not retrieve stored info! lol
  5. Russ Parker

    Russ Parker Member

    Jul 19, 2003
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    What a great big divide there is in drag racing...Every class tends to see only what is in the best interest of their own. Therefore, every class is seen as an enemy (sometimes within the class itself, for instance TAD vs A/fuel) and of course NHRA is the ultimate evil.
    While I may not agree with every rule change, I ultimately choose to participate by my own free will. NHRA (I have no IHRA experience) provides me with venues at which I can release my competitive nature and achieve a drug-free sensory overload unmatched by any other job or hobby I have had. So I will support NHRA to the best of my ability. What is best for the overall state of drag racing is what I want to see happen.
    My chosen level of participation has been in TAFC as a driver, and I am currently helping tune a A/fuel car. With that as a backdrop, I was very excited to find this website that deals with exactly what the name implies - and I am disappointed to see where some threads have gone. I would hope that in the future, anyone whose class of primary interest is outside of top alcohol would provide a link to and a courteous invitation to a website dealing primarily with that class so that this site can remain focused on top alcohol.
    As for Randy G., I have had the pleasure of racing against him and have the utmost respect for him. I am glad he is in TAFC and would welcome the opportunity to race with him.

  6. Outlaw Nick

    Outlaw Nick Top Dragster

    Jun 22, 2003
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    I have, in the past, invited Will over to to participate in a discussion. He has, so far, declined to accept as is his right. I would like to take this opportunity to invite any and all of you who are interested to stop by and pay a visit. Register and participate if you wish. You have my guarantee that you will be treated with courtesy and respect.
  7. Tommy

    Tommy Super Comp

    Jul 27, 2003
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    I dont agree with you Outlaw I think Randy G is a true representative if he is who I think he is. Didn't he win the Nhra division championship with his car on the west coast just a few years ago and isnt he tuning Denis Taylors car right now? I saw he qualified number 1 at Bakersfield and was number 2 at sears point and runner-upped to Brett Willamson. I've never heard of outlaw nick before though so I have some good advice, please don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.
    Thank you.
  8. ROF

    ROF Top Dragster

    May 18, 2003
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    I too want to thank you Will. This site is starting to get more and more good alky a/fuel guys and gals posting and it is fun and interesting to read some of the posts. Russ Parkers post has educated me on A/Fuel.

    Nick- I'm sorry but you have done nothing but cram PROMOD down everyones throat with your posts. If you are a moderator of a PROMOD web site go moderate it. If you want to post about TAD/A/Fuel/TAFC then post on here. I don't know man, it just seems like you and Grant are on this site just to start crap.

    [ July 31, 2003, 12:59 AM: Message edited by: F-O-R ]
  9. Outlaw Nick

    Outlaw Nick Top Dragster

    Jun 22, 2003
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    It seems to me that you only see what you want to see. Maybe you'd care to re-read some of my other posts to see that I am a supporter of alky racing? In the end it really doesn't matter. I've gotten response from enough members here to make me realize that wether I support alky or not my opinions are not wanted here. By the way F-O-R, it's Administrator not Moderator. In that capacity I do my best to present Pro Modifieds in a positive light. Our members compete with a wide variety of combinations. We treat each other with respect even though we may have different opinions. I value input from folks who may have an opinion that differs from mine as much as my own. When I evaluate someone I read all of what they post or listen to all of what they say not just some of it.

    To Will,

    I still have respect for you and your efforts to support the racing you so clearly love. It's a shame though how closed minded some of your members are. Maybe you should educate them on how to become ambassadors of your cause instead of assasins. In another thread you asked if Pro Mods were a threat to alcohol racing. The biggest threat to alky racing may turn out to be the racers themselves.

    Take care!

  10. Tommy

    Tommy Super Comp

    Jul 27, 2003
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    ppl want to discuss tafc and tad not hear alternate opionions about switching to slower classes with door cars we could care less about. If you want to discuss alternate opinions about how to run a ta/fc or tad then thats great but dont tell me how I shouldnt be interested in ta/fc and tad on a web site created for tafc and tad because its dying. And you give us some out of the air stuff about the numbers decreasing and fans could care less etc. Last time I checked NHras fan poll, promod was below ta/fc and tad and thats what the fans say, not me but you say don't pay attention to the fans. Who then, we should only pay attention to you? Why don't you log on and tell them a ford Pinto has more appeal, is more cool and the chicks really dig them. Then back up what you say with some phony statistics. That way you can really stir it up where you don't belong since that seems to be your goal. Leave us alone, but just leave.
    have a nice day.
  11. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    thanks for the support. i'll try my best to keep this the place to talk alcohol racing on the web.

    this thread isnt going anywhere now, so i'll kill it and let it die slowly. to all the alky racers on here, rock on!

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