Etterman Racing Rolls into Memphis

Discussion in 'Alcohol Racing News' started by Katie Ward, Mar 22, 2006.

  1. Katie Ward

    Katie Ward New Member

    Oct 5, 2005
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    Etterman Racing Rolls into Memphis

    <img border="0" src="" width="400" height="258" align="left">Memphis – After an exciting start to the 2006 season at No Problem Raceway Park, the Etterman Racing Team plans to arrive in Memphis, Tennessee this weekend with both momentum and focus.

    Coming from practically all corners of the United States, the team will start a two-week journey that will include the Memphis Motorsports Park Lucas Oil Drag Racing Series event followed by the O’Reilly Spring Nationals at Houston Raceway Park, March 31-April 2. During the last couple of weeks, each crewmember spent countless hours preparing for this two-event trek, whether it involved servicing the car or updating the team website ( Etterman Racing remains eager and energized for the upcoming races.

    “We are optimistic about our chances this coming weekend and excited to see some additional cars that were not in Belle Rose to widen the field. The team will definitely have to be on our game with the addition of those to the routine Division 4 runners,” Team Owner George Etterman states. Etterman continues, “Jonathan is still learning in the car, we are aware of that, but he has handled everything that we have thrown at him very nicely so far. With the weather outlook very nice for the weekend, the track performances should be something to watch!”

    “The past couple of weeks have gone by very slow and I can’t wait to get back in the car in Memphis,” Jonathan Johnson, team driver, explains. “I realize what I need to work as a driver, but if I can be successful in this aspect, I think we have a great shot at a long day on Sunday. It would be nice to be in another final; however, there are still three qualifying sessions and two eliminators before that round. It should be fun!” Johnson concludes.

    “I have no doubt that the team is ready to run in Memphis,” Katie Ward, marketing & graphics, proclaims. “I talk to Jonathan daily and you can tell when a race coming because all his attention is focused on the race, its preparations, and simply any aspect of driving where he can better himself. In spite of this, his tunnel vision helps him and the team each week, as he inspires and motivates each of us. He may be young, but his knowledge of the sport and driving is quite expansive. Between George, David, and Jonathan, I do not believe that there is anything they cannot do,” Ward asserts.

    As it stands, Etterman Racing currently sits inside the top ten nationally and ranked second in division. We know the season is young, but these are things we are proud of and certainly want to maintain.

    For more information on Etterman Racing or their Marketing Partners, please visit their website at

    Contact: Katie Ward

    FINMAN Jr. Dragster

    Feb 28, 2004
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    Good luck to Jonathan. Say hello to George, Jane , Clutch, Genie, David and the others.


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