nitro harley vs. top alky in Phoenix

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by was R4K, Feb 24, 2006.

  1. was R4K

    was R4K Member

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Distressing to see Nitro Harley replace top alcohol in Phoenix- Quite a qualifying session today- 4 bikes in total and 3 of them slower than 13 seconds- What is NHRA thinking????
  2. Woodchip

    Woodchip Top Alcohol Dragster

    Aug 27, 2004
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    As far as I'm concerned. A national event without alky cars isn't an event at all. This weekend I am more interested in whats going on at the Gainesville points race than what those Hollywood Pro Strokes out west are doin.
  3. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    Nitro harleys? big whoop, who gives a ?
  4. Dan Martin

    Dan Martin New Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Nitrohawgs at Phoenix shows you the political pull that Harley has by pumping in all the money the have done to be the"official" motorcycle of NHRA. What about the combined millions of dollars all of us alky guys have spent to "fill in" their show? As usual, we take a back seat to the big package. Oh well , at least they are consistent.....
  5. KathyL

    KathyL Super Comp

    Jan 31, 2004
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    Quoted by Woodchip, As far as I'm concerned. A national event without alky cars isn't an event at all.

    I agree 100%, sure hope Texas Tracks never over look the alky cars at their nationals. Hmmmm don't think I would be attending, it is like getting only half a national without the alky cars. jmo
  6. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Phoenix has a problem. The pit area is too small for all the rigs especially if the alky classes were to show up. Last time we ran there (1999...made it to the finals) the place was wall to wall. Since then, many more alky teams have switched to 75-85' long rigs. That, plus the Schumacher and Force compounds I just don't see how they could pull it off.

  7. Frankie

    Frankie Jr. Dragster

    Oct 19, 2003
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    ESPN is part of the reason why the alky cars arent at all the national events anymore. They wanted to do x amount of sportsman shows and in making that decision, NHRA saw fit to cut back the amount of nationals the alky cars ran. Plus like Randy said, tracks like FIrebird are too small for all the cars. Heck Firebird isnt suited at all for a national event anymore in regards to pit space. The place was designed in the late 70s,early 80s and the rigs for all the classes just werent that large and there werent that many cars running nationals. Its the least attended national out of all of them in terms of car counts and fans. Its only an hour from home for me but it wouldnt hurt my feelings if they dropped Firebird from the schedule and give the race to another track, say the new Fontana when its done. Just my 02. I do miss the lkay cars at the CSKs though dont get me wrong.
  8. Darren Smith

    Darren Smith New Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    NHRA eliminated the Alky cars in Phx like 5 years ago, Haven't been back since!
  9. KathyL

    KathyL Super Comp

    Jan 31, 2004
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    NHRA eliminated the Alky cars in Phx like 5 years ago.
    What a shame to eliminate one of the most exciting classes in drag racing, not to mention the best folks around!!!! (meaning they always have time for their fans!!! ) jmo again!!!!
  10. sportsman fan

    sportsman fan New Member

    Apr 9, 2005
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    alcohol funny cars and dragesters/a-fuel rails

    I agree a national event should have f/c and dragester and not nitro harley classes. These guy's and girl's race at all the events and don't all get the tv time they deserve! Espn should show qualifiying rounds also for them. Nitro harley is neat to watch but there is not enough of them to go around. The only place they should run at is the U.S. nationals. One more thing to add not to do with this subject is reinstate pro stock truck.
  11. jr.

    jr. A face in the crowd, or am I?

    Oct 11, 2005
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    never was a big fan of PST, i mean yea great class... in theory... but i just don't think there was enough there to seperate it from PSC... fans didnt watch it the same reasont hey dont watch T/A racing it's too similar for them to want to watch a slower class that basically looks like a "lower class of racing"
  12. KathyL

    KathyL Super Comp

    Jan 31, 2004
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    This weekend I am more interested in whats going on at the Gainesville points race.
  13. hotrodracer

    Dec 10, 2004
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    Pits not big enough?

    With a 2 tier/level pit, plus seating for a 'fish pond' in the midst of the top level, not to mention having to drive a round that pond just to get to the pit area, yes the pit area is limited.

    The Force - CSK, etc, side shows are just that. While it would cause some consternation, why not allow each team one pit stall per car. Let them have their food and entertainment across the street, upstairs, over the vacant lot. Meaning out of the immediate race car pit area that is... We all know the reason for those extravaganzas any way, or, do I??? Hey, the pit area is a dedicated work area, kinda like the 'hard hat construction area' that I work in. It would be a slow process to revert back to such as talk about kicking, screaming, crying, and threats of monumental proportions that would result, would take time to resolve. Would make the Pro Sick Truck decision look like a mole hill at best, and then where would Dum Compton, Dim Light, and cronies get a free lunch?

    Bottom line is at whatever race venue you select, NHRA finds space for a plethora of S.Gas, S.Comp, S.Stock, and whatever else they deem important to fill in the time slots, as well as the cash register drawers. NHRA throw us a bone (in more ways than one) once in a while so I guess that is better than none at all, Si??? I recall Pro Comp in the '70s having over 80, yes 80 entrants at the Winter Nationals... Never to return though, darn it all anyway.

    PS: Have you ever looked at the first round pairings for the S Gas type cars? Looks like the want adds in the Sunday papers w/ all the 'real race cars' paired. Heck, here in So Calif you can go to one of several street rod cruise scenes and see almost the same cars.

    Nuff Fluff for today, I are outta here...
  14. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    pro pit spaces

    those additional pro pit spaces are a nice source of revenue for nhra. don't see that going anywhere.

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