SSI C Hi-Helix Blower ????

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Racer_102, Feb 16, 2006.

  1. Racer_102

    Racer_102 New Member

    Jan 12, 2005
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    What is actually the difference in a C vs. D blower and can the C be upgraded to a D? and who does the updates.

  2. RBS

    RBS Authorized Merchant

    May 6, 2004
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    rotor difference

    the difference between the b,c,d,f rotor blowers are all in the rotor profiles and diameters. the b was a replica of the standard gm rotor way to spot one is there is two small ridges next to the nylatron same as gm the c rotor has a little tighter lobe to valley clearance way to spot there is two little divits or valleys next to the nylatron. d rotor has a full radius on the rotor lobe increasing the rotor lobe and making the fit of lobe to valley even tighter making the blower more efficent. the d and f's have a full radius on the rotor lobe and can reall y only be told which style by serial number. you could convert from a c to d rotor i don't think it would really buy you much unless your rotors are ruined in most cases you are better off selling your blower outright and purchasing a nice used one ready to run. typically rotors are about 2500.00 to be replaced and set up in the blower. so if you factor your blower is worth around 3500.00 and your going to spend 2500.00 you could sell your blower and get into a d for around 4000.00 to 4500.00 hope this helps and good luck jr
  3. Racer_102

    Racer_102 New Member

    Jan 12, 2005
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    RBS thanks for the information.

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