ssi superchargers

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by blown375, Dec 26, 2005.

  1. blown375

    blown375 New Member

    Sep 9, 2005
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    does anyone have a phone number for SSI ?
    I'm looking for information about 10-71s who makes the best one on the market?
    So far i'm told kobelco is the best but I also see a lot of SSIs being used !
    If anyone has information I'm all ears?
  2. Bob Kraemer

    Bob Kraemer New Member

    Feb 24, 2004
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    I have 2 numbers for them, well same number different area code. Sorry I don't remember which one is the correct one.
    Bob Kraemer

    (216) 243-8668
    (440) 243-8668
  3. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Use the 440 area code. Ask for Rich or TJ.
  4. Thurston

    Thurston New

    Oct 25, 2004
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    Call DMPE and talk to Darren, or Bryan Dietz about your combination. They will give you an honest assesment about what supercharger would work best. They work on, build and supply superchargers for a wide verity of combinations and are very good at what they do.
    5790 St. Joseph Ave | Stevensville, Michigan 49127
    Sales: 269-428-5070 - Fax: 269-428-8049
    Tell them the crew at TNT Motor Sports said to call.
  5. RBS

    RBS Authorized Merchant

    May 6, 2004
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    Here Is The Number I Have For Them 440-243-8668 The Ssi Blower Is A Good Piece As Well As The Kobelco. Also A Great Blower Is A Littlefield With The Kobelco Rotors If You Need Any Advice That We Can Offer Feel Free To Give A Call 530-292-3368 And Speak To Jr At Rbs Superchargers We Can Help Put You Into A Complete Package
  6. blown375

    blown375 New Member

    Sep 9, 2005
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    Thanks JR but I had a discussion with a VERY reputable engine builder that deals with the Littelfield and Kobelco and was informed that if maximum horsepower is the goal,the Kobelco is the better choice.He didn't bad mouth the Littlefield,he just told me some things that he found and he did say the littlefield is a great blower for the money.
    On the other hand,we didn't discuss the SSI compaired to the Kobelco and due to the fact that the 10-71 Kobelco isn't a superman,I'm curious how those two compare?
  7. TOL

    TOL Active Member

    May 18, 2005
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    Has anyone tried the new PSI Hi-Helix 14-71, to know how it compares to the Superman 8/9/11 ?
  8. blown375

    blown375 New Member

    Sep 9, 2005
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    Thanks for the number guys ! JR hope I didn't come off as being a jerk!

    I thank you for any help or knowledge you or anyone else is willing to give.
  9. RBS

    RBS Authorized Merchant

    May 6, 2004
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    Robert Not At All Everyone Is Entitlted There Opinion And As You Find In This Racing You Ask 10 Different People You Are Going To Get 12 Different Answers. As Far As The Psi Hi Helix One Crew Chief Has Told Me That The Psi Is Good A Few Pounds Better In High Overdrive Applications But The Kobelco Is Better In A Pro Mod Slow Overdrive Situation. It Is All A Combonation I Believe I Think Some People Can Make Somethings Work That Others Can't And You Have To Choose A Part That Fits Into Your Budget Of Your Racing Program.
  10. Lonnie Houde

    Lonnie Houde Member

    Nov 14, 2005
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    Robert, I wouldn't count out the Littlefield/Kobelco rotor combo. If you were talking about a very limited overdrive I would agree that the Kobelco is the better blower. "Assuming it's in the Superman configuration"!! However in the size that your looking for, I believe the "Superman" style is not available. A Mert with the new Kobelco K11 rotors would be hard to beat at higher overdrives. Just look at Fred Tigges. The guy hauls ass with a good ol Littlefield. "Granted i'm sure that it has some minor mods that Fred performed on it."
  11. TOL

    TOL Active Member

    May 18, 2005
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    RBS, the application in question is unregulated other than "must use a supercharger no larger than 14-71, and methanol". I'm thinking at least 40% over, 500'ish cubes, 11'ish to one, in a 2700 pound vehicle with clutch and Lenco. The two superchargers that come to mind are either the K-11 or the PSI. What would be your thoughts regarding one versus the other in this application? Motor spun to 8500 max. The series will entail a mix of 1/8 and 1/4 mile racing events. If you'd rather, send me a PM. Thanks.
  12. Dan Lynch

    Dan Lynch Member

    May 7, 2003
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    Sounds like the old Poverty Stricken team of old... Rich McPhillips, TJ Rebert and Peter Gallen...
  13. shawn davis

    shawn davis Member

    Feb 27, 2004
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    I Chatted With Thomas Patterson About His Psi On His Pro Mod, He Basically Told Me Identical To A K9-superman Same Boost At Same Overdrive.we Been Running A Whipple But May Try A Kobelco/ssi Combo Later In The Year When The New Car Is Done If We Do Some Legal Races. Jr Keep Your Eye Open For One For Me
  14. Les Mellows

    Les Mellows New Member

    Jul 18, 2003
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    From my experience the kobelco superman with the K8 rotors is the best blower for higher than 20% applications and now the new K11 if properly prepared may be as good or better than the original. The PSI is better from an
    assembly and engineering stand point than any other blower made! flawless.
    the K9 (pooch) works for some Promod combinations well , in higher OD applications it is not as good. The Littlefield/Kobelco combination has had some great performances, excellent price point and is continually trying to get better.
    If you can Afford it the PSI will give you the best all around performance and exceptional quality you could ask for and the best hands on support service .

    If you have a modest pocket book but performance is the ultimate goal and overdrive 20+ get a kobelco superman with the K8 rotor .

    If you are running lower overdrive (25 or less?) a K9 may be ok ???? not all the same ??

    If you have a lower budget but want a good product with a Great name and service get a Mert with K8 or k11 rotors only.

    PS. We may have a couple of superman K8's FOR SALE ?? As we are now a Canadian dealer for PSI and can offer full support to our Race engine Customers. We have Full Flow Bench and Fuel Systems available .
    Atchison Racing -
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2006
  15. nick bell

    nick bell TAFC

    May 12, 2003
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    In terms of a design and manufacture standpoint what are some of the key points where this blower is better? Also is there any difference in the length of time between service and the performance drop off during that time.

  16. Les Mellows

    Les Mellows New Member

    Jul 18, 2003
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    Nick , The Kobelco design is an improvement in an otherwise unchanged decades old concept. The lobe profile was improved on some and the case on the superman opened the design door . Finding consistency in the manufacturing and assembly process was difficult to say the least, historically with all manufacturers that was an issue . We had the abilty with Bob' Talent to re engineer the necessary changes and tolerances to get 3 or 4 blowers the same , the average racer can neither understand or afford the costs to do this .

    With Roger and his team at PSI they have the ability and desire to be better , they realize that you can't charge more for less because of the name alone . Roger realized that if they were consistent in the quality and the process as well as taking the time to develop the blower to its full potential from conception that it would warrant more $. They knew after Dyno sessions that it would not require the extra time and $ to bring out the full potential. Let me say this we made changes to our PSI that are intended to compliment our Engine program but they were alot less in time and expense than the years we spent getting the Kobelco close.
    If any one sees the fit , finish of the inner case , the lobe profile , the lobe covers, the case supports, the endplates , the gear/bearings - front and rear. it is absolutely outstanding craftsmanship and we have now seen (checked ) 4 different PSI' and they are mirrored , we could not find that in Kobelco - Bob made it happen.
    As far as service the Kobelco we would race 2 races then strip it , (note:until it was "altered by Bob" we only raced a weekend-as it has issues at times and needed to be monitored).
    The PSI i will tell you we put it on at Norwalk with a NEW 481x motor that Bob had developed it ran 5.76 @ 245 at 3850' it has never to this day been apart . We ran the 5.685 @ 247 at 1200' on its 21st pass . We ran in all conditions and the blower looks great . In fairness the Kobelco would have the run much the same, they are very close , but you can't get a Kobelco off the shelf like that and it won't last or look the same unless you spend the $$$ necessary . PSI is great value if you do the necessary research to understand the reason, they all look the same with a hat on .
  17. nick bell

    nick bell TAFC

    May 12, 2003
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    Thanks for the replay Les. I am not at all surprised by the improvements in today's blowers over what we ran years ago, but I am surprised by the time invested in teams to improve what they have. I have heard teams talk about reworking their blowers but I had no idea there was so much involved.


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