Chrysler engine parts

Discussion in 'Noonan Classifieds' started by Lou Osman, Jul 9, 2021.

  1. Lou Osman

    Lou Osman Member

    Mar 1, 2009
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    Speed Sports Parts For Sale
    Discription Price
    4 A.J. Billet Heads - Bent or cylinders too burned up to repair. Perfect for display motor. $100 ea.
    3 Exhaust Rocker Shafts for Chrysler - 2 Heavy Duty $150
    1 extra heavy duty, Johnny West $225
    1 Low profile Spark Plug Tray. Holds 16 plugs $25
    3 Dan Olson Piston Trays $40 ea.
    2 Specialty Ring Compressors, 4.187 $20 ea.
    1 Heavy Duty Ring Compressor, 4.187 $30
    1 Childs & Albert Ring Gauge, 4.190 ID $30
    1 Ring Squaring Tool, 4.187 bore $25
    4 Racks of Pistons and Rods. All mew rod bearings & rings, JE Pistons, C.P. Cirello rods 7.043 long, 6 Pistons have a compression height of 6.118, and 2 Pistonshave a compression height 4.588, with a standard deck block and 3/4" stroke crank. The Pistons are .180 above thedeck for the high comp Pistons and .150 above deck for the low compression Pistons. Cyl. 1 & 2 are low comp. Pistons. Approx. 25% of the Rods & Pistons are new. Rack includes stands. $750 per
    62 E3, 100 new Spark Plugs $2 ea.
    22 Champion N1032Y (new) Spark Plugs $3 ea.
    1 New Clark Head Gasket, 4.187 bore, solid copper .060 thk. $50 ea.
    20 Used Clark Head Gaskets, 4.187 bore, solid copper .060 thk. $20 ea.
    1 Set Clark Head Gaskets, 4.187 bore, .093 thick $100 set
    1 Set Clark Head Gaskets, 4.187 bore, .080 thick $100 set
    2 Rage 103 GPM Fuel Pumps - 1 fresh, never run since rebuilt by Rage, 1 ran, flow charts included for both. $ 1500 for the "ran" pump $2,000
    4 Floaters for AFT 11" 12 stand Clutch $50 ea.
    3 Clutch disc for 11" AFT Clutch, 2 new, 1 used, 1 3/4" fine spline. $ 25 for the used $75 ea.
    1 RCD 48 VDC Battery & Charger $500
    1 Triple "T" aluminum table & blower mount for 1471 Supercharger $700
    2 New 11mm red RCD Belts, P/N N11-1595-84 $250 ea.
    5 1 run Belts, 11mm red RCD Belts, P/N N11-1595-84 $50 ea.
    1 11mm Pulleys, 37 & 38 $50ea.
    1 New 11mm Pulleys, 53 $100 ea.
    1 New 11mm Pulleys, 54 $100 ea.
    1 New 11mm Pulleys, 49 $100 ea.
    1 New 11mm Pulleys, 52. The large Pulleys are center flange. $100 ea.
    1 Set tools for overhauling a PSI 1471 Blower $200
    18 Teflon strips for PSI 1471 High Helix Blower $110 ea.
    1 BDK Valve, Small $400
    1 RCD Spline Hub & Degree Wheel for Chrysler Crank $150
    1 Splined Crank Gear, (RCD Spline) $30
    1 Set 9/16 Studs, H11 for all center studs $200
    1 New RCD Gear Drive, including Pump extension & Shaft, idler pulley assembly. Fits Alan Johnson $1,500
    Billet Block
    7 TFX Sleeves, 4.187 bore $75 ea.
    2 MSD 44 Generators $1,200 ea.
    2 Red 44 coils $150 ea.
    5 Black 44 coils $120 ea.
    7 MSD 44 Points Boxes $300 ea.
    1 KB Oil Pump $500
    1 Complete set Crane 1.062 Lifters $500
    2 HD Deist Pilot Chutes $ 125 ea.
    1 New 225 square foot DJ Drag Chute $300
    24 Ferrea new Inconel Exhaust Valves, l.950 X 5.019 $25 ea.
    1 Thermal Coupler Tester for EGT - used by RacePak $500
    1 Keith Black Oil Pump $400
    1 System One Oil Filter, 75 micro pleated filter $150
    1 2017 Bullet Top Fuel Hydro, Certified Bullet Capsule, Faulkerson W-Drive, Electro-motion Fuel $30,000
    Management System, an all stainless dully air bag trailer, ready to set an engine and go racing.
    Call for pictures.
    2 Complete K.B. 496 cubic inch Top Fuel Motors - complete pan to injector on engine stands. $35,000 ea.
    Includes AFT Clutches and titanium bell housing, PSI 1471 High Helix Blowers. Engines are fresh or $65,000
    and ready to run. Call for pictures. for both
    1 Donnie Bender "A" valve and Electro Motion Control Timmer (complete Fuel Management System) $1,500
    All parts FOB St. Louis
    Cal or email for picturesl for pictures.
    Contact - Lou Osman, Speed Sports- (314) 623-4885 - Mobile, aeroeng
  2. Chev502

    Chev502 New Member

    Jul 17, 2014
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    Hi. Lou
    We are after 8 x exhaust valves with those dimensions, can you let me know what the stem size is and the groove type, round or square ? If they are 3/8" stem we will take 8 of them , groove size won't matter.
    We are also looking for 2 or 3 MSD 44 points boxs. Have your boxs been tested and are they black or red and do they still have the std MSD wiring coming out of them ? If they have been tested and still have the std MSD wiring we will take 3 of them, black preferred.
    My email
    Phone no is 0064211495527
    Let me know
    Thanks. Murray
  3. Lou Osman

    Lou Osman Member

    Mar 1, 2009
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  4. Lou Osman

    Lou Osman Member

    Mar 1, 2009
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    I have sold much of the list above below is an updated list 3-23-22

    Parts For Sale

    4 A.J. Billet Heads - Bent or cylinders too burned up to repair. Perfect for display motor. $100 ea.

    3 Exhaust Rocker Shafts for Chrysler - 2 Heavy Duty $150

    New extra heavy duty exhaust rocker shaft, Johnny West $225

    1 Low profile Spark Plug Tray. Holds 16 plugs $25
    2 Specialty Ring Compressors, 4.187 $20 ea.
    1 Heavy Duty Ring Compressor, 4.187 $30

    62 E3, 100 new Spark Plugs $2 ea.
    22 Champion N1032Y (new) Spark Plugs $3 ea.

    New Clark Head Gasket, 4.187 bore, solid copper .060 thk. $50 ea.
    20 Used Clark Head Gaskets, 4.187 bore, solid copper .060 thk. $20 ea.
    1 Set Clark Head Gaskets, 4.187 bore, .093 thick $100 set
    1 Set Clark Head Gaskets, 4.187 bore, .080 thick $100 set

    2 Rage 103 GPM Fuel Pumps - 1 fresh, never run since rebuilt by Rage, 1 ran, flow charts included for both. $ 1500 for the "ran" pump $2,000

    4 Floaters for AFT 11" 12 stand Clutch $50 ea.
    3 Clutch disc for 11" AFT Clutch, 2 new, 1 used, 1 3/4" fine spline. $ 25 for the used $75 ea.

    1 11mm Pulleys, 37 & 38 $50ea.
    1 New 11mm Pulleys, 53 $100 ea.
    1 New 11mm Pulleys, 54 $100 ea.
    1 New 11mm Pulleys, 49 $100 ea.
    1 New 11mm Pulleys, 52. The large Pulleys are center flange. $100 ea.

    1 Set tools for overhauling a PSI 1471 Blower $200
    18 Teflon strips for PSI 1471 High Helix Blower $110 ea.

    1 BDK Valve, Small $400

    1 RCD Spline Hub & Degree Wheel for Chrysler Crank $150

    1 Splined Crank Gear, (RCD Spline) $30
    1 Set 9/16 Studs, H11 for all center studs $200

    New RCD Gear Drive, including Pump extension & Shaft, idler pulley assembly. Fits Alan Johnson $1,500
    Billet Block

    2 MSD 44 Generators $1,200 ea.
    2 Red 44 coils $150 ea.
    5 Black 44 coils $120 ea.
    7 MSD 44 Points Boxes $300 ea.

    1 System One Oil Filter, 75 micro pleated filter $150

    2017 Bullet Top Fuel Hydro, Certified Bullet Capsule, Faulkerson W- drive Includes extra w-drive plus all stainless dual airbag dolly trailer 40,000

    2 Complete K.B. 496 cubic inch Top Fuel Motors - complete pan to injector on engine stands. $35,000 ea.
    Includes AFT Clutches and titanium bell housing, PSI 1471 High Helix Blowers. Engines are fresh , or $65,000 for both

    All parts FOB St. Louis
    Cal or email l for pictures.
    Contact - Lou Osman, Speed Sports- (314) 623-4885 - Mobil
  5. Blown5402

    Blown5402 Member

    Aug 12, 2011
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    What part number are the MSD Point Boxes? THANK YOU! Jim

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