Crower Throw out / Release bearing Collar Question

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Ricky Gowen, Mar 16, 2021.

  1. Ricky Gowen

    Ricky Gowen New Member

    Mar 15, 2021
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    Hi everybody, I have a few questions but first let me introduce myself, my Names Ricky Gowen, long time crew guy from the Alcohol ranks over here in England (Uk). I'm in the process of putting a car together at the moment and am stuck on a clutch release bearing/ collar choice.
    My question is this;
    On the Crower website the release collars are listed in lengths ie 1.650, 2.050, 2.250 etc etc etc and my question is where is this measurement taken from/to? If I knew this simple thing I could then order up n carry on. I have enclosed a picture of a diagram to help visualize my question better. So are the stated lengths on the website spec A,B or C?
    Rick 16159246764525114827748547356541.jpg
  2. vwsamba

    vwsamba Member

    Jun 3, 2006
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    I just ordered one and the measurement they want is from rear face that fork touches to the front face of bearing. Remember you need 3/8 to 1/2 space to the clutch fingers in fully retracted position. They also were out of some sizes and may have to machine down a longer one for you. Roger will talk you through it.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2021
  3. Ricky Gowen

    Ricky Gowen New Member

    Mar 15, 2021
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    Hi Vwsamba
    Thanks so much for your reply, i appreciate your time,yep so by my diagram that would be spec B, I have been out of the Alcohol pits since 2012 so have forgotten alot of what i used to know! And i was the clutch guy too lol so sometimes get a bit embarassed to ask.
    I did try to contact Roger by the tech link on Crowers site but never heard back (wasnt sure if they are fully operational due to Covid).
    Just out of interest Vwsamba what collar did you get for yours? is your setup close to mine?
    im on Crower 10" pedal
    8 1/8 can
    old crower/lenco fork
    Cant remember finger ratio
  4. vwsamba

    vwsamba Member

    Jun 3, 2006
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    Yes correct B. You will only get Roger on the phone. He is old school. I got the listed 2.750 but the face to face is 2.425 which is the important measurement. Best to have him mount up a new bearing too to avoid any confusion.
  5. jeffj

    jeffj Member

    Mar 8, 2008
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    I noticed that Butch Blair has some ads posted in the classifieds and he indicates he has Crower collars/bearings in 4 different lengths available for $50 each. Roger is also great to deal with. Jeff Johnsen
  6. Ricky Gowen

    Ricky Gowen New Member

    Mar 15, 2021
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    Hi guys, thanks for the replies and the help, fortunately for me one of the NFC teams over here had what i needed, the whole damn lot! lol,
    2" collar sorted me out perfect with a shade over 3/8s air gap from fingers to bearing face @ relax (or back).
    thanks for your help guys

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