Well, sold the DRCE stuff.....

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by T-Wrecks, Jan 27, 2021.

  1. T-Wrecks

    T-Wrecks Member

    Feb 13, 2009
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    So I kept the parts that were not specific to a BBC such as my cam, crankshaft, rods and a few other odds and ends. I am going to buy a new IRON block with a 10.2 deck height. My question is this. Instead of creating cubes with a larger bore like a 4.600. Would it be beneficial to kept the bore 4.375 thereby increasing deck width between cylinders to allow for sealing? with a 4.840 bore spacing and 4.600 bore doesn't leave much room for anything.
  2. Bjs344

    Bjs344 Member

    Sep 10, 2013
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    4.5 leaves plenty of material. 4.53 or even 4.56 is fine up to about 2000 hp. Probably more. I ran a 4.6 bore up close to 1800 for a little while. It was concrete filled to the deck. MLS looked terrible but never failed. Switched to copper and had no problems. It was a steel rod 4.375 stroke motor and after the 3rd time I kicked a rod I junked the block and went smaller bore. Funny thing, last time I kicked a rod it hit a piece of pan rail that had been welded back in, bounced off of that and went out the pan.
    It had cast mains which chattered and looked terrible. I went through the evolution of billet caps, and then smaller crank and aluminum rods on the next motor and the chatter never really got much better. Tuneup was not terrible according to plugs, bearings,etc just the nature of an iron bbc

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