Staging controller help

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Chuck466, Sep 26, 2019.

  1. Chuck466

    Chuck466 New Member

    Feb 21, 2018
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    I need some help on getting the right Staging controller, not finding a lot of options out there, I seen a kit Tim Mcamis sells part no. TMR-1048K,, called to get some info. on it but the person I talked to had none to share other then the instruction sheet that comes with it.. Will most staging controllers work with a solid linkage set up or do I need to change over to a cable style linkage? Seems like the few setups I have seen require a Co2 setup and a fuel interruption setup.

    If I need to put up more info on my combo or pics just let me know, I do appreciate any info.
  2. GregM784

    GregM784 Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    I ran one for years on a blown car. Mine was a Biondo starting line enhancer. (
    I've ran then on cables and on a rod. Depending on your combo, you may need to pull fuel out of it while on the controller. I run a 7 gallon pump, never worried about it. not enough volume. If i can help, let me know
    Chuck466 likes this.
  3. Chuck466

    Chuck466 New Member

    Feb 21, 2018
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    Greg ok thanks for your input, I just got off the phone with Mike at Alkydigger and he also sells one that dosen't require the Co2 set up, it's just a electric manifold that directs the fuel from the pump through a pill back to the tank when I'm on the TB button, looks like a super easy install versus the Tim McAmis one and 1/3 the price, but he also had the same comment you did as to thinking I wouldn't need it, I believe my pump is a 6.5 gallon, I just would rather have it so I'm not flooding the engine with fuel, I have hat and port nozzles, I'm fully new to the blown setup, but have been a nitrous racer for 25 years, once again I do Appreciate your time and will probably have many more questions in the future..

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