blower updating

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by dragster156, Jul 31, 2019.

  1. dragster156

    dragster156 Member

    May 31, 2012
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    If you have an older, but still good, blower can you have it updated and redone to make it as good as the "new" blowers out today?
    If so, it makes sense to spend a few thousand rather then buy a whole new unit for 10, 13, 15k++
  2. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    I think you would be wasting your money. Today’s blowers have different rotors, different cases and different top and bottom openings. You could probably have a good blower guy make a few cheap changes but nothing to make it equal new blowers.
  3. Soldierboy0098

    Soldierboy0098 Active Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    What blower do you have? How fast do you want to run? What are you thinking of spending total investment wise? Odds are you won't get it near the new stuff. I can try to give you an idea of best bang for a given buck if you would like. A Billet blower is the best and can cost anywhere between 18k and 50k depending on if your limited on overdrive or not. A very close second is a Fowler F-11 modified by Critchley and will cost between 11k and 14k. SSI F3's and later are good off the shelf units and can cost between 4-6k Used and you can sometimes find some of the Older Kobelco Superman units in that price range, PSI roots blowers can also be found in that that price range and are good at higher overdrives but take a lot of hp to turn. Older SSI F2's, are good and can be found for around 3,500-4k. For around 3-4k you can find Littlefield blowers with Kobelco rotors. I have not tried or followed the newer Littlefield LB22 units, The blower shop blowers, or the newer BDS stuff. Some of those have done very well in nostalgia classes but I have never seen any of them on a modern pro mod save for maybe the LF LB21 and 22 units. This is a general guide but I hope it helps. Best wishes, Trev
  4. dragster156

    dragster156 Member

    May 31, 2012
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    It's a psi unit with the erd mods (have 20, 30, 40 and 50 shoe set ups). Not looking to break the bank and have absolute zero interest in spending 18-50k as you mention - lol.
    no limit in my class as far as overdrive goes. It's the one thing I want to look at for the winter upgrade. No reason to throw money away
  5. jay70cuda

    jay70cuda Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2009
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    Isn’t compression a cheapier way of making a older blower run better? I’ve had some older blowers run really fast with compression.
  6. outracer

    outracer Member

    Nov 3, 2007
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    call Troy at Hammer superchargers tell him what you have he will let you know if he can help you great to deal with 469-877-1957
  7. Soldierboy0098

    Soldierboy0098 Active Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    Sorry for the long time to get back to you, had a family member pass away and then a bunch of medical stuff got me side tracked. I had a PSI roots with the ERD spacer deal (Still have an ERD and PSI inlet shoe) and it was a good blower. The only real drawback to them is they take 480 hp to turn and create a lot of heat. Those are typically best at 38-42 over with the proper shoe sizes and don't like being spun slower. running about 12.4:1 Compression they will make good power. I have seen them run low 3.70s in Outlaw dragsters. The next step up would be either an SSI F-3 or later or a Fowler F-11, then you could get into mods and it wouldn't cost a lot more to upgrade.
    dragster156 likes this.
  8. Soldierboy0098

    Soldierboy0098 Active Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    Critchley is an awesome guy to deal with, He talked me into a Fowler F-11 with his mods and it set the record at a 3.60 on Phil Esz's outlaw dragster.
    dragster156 likes this.
  9. nitrowannabe

    nitrowannabe Member

    Oct 9, 2006
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    Don't forget the Fowler is the current rendition of the DMPE Kobelco K11 Superman. If you can find an older one with no mods you have the basis for a great blower.
    You also might look your inlet shoe design. Might be an improvement there.
    dragster156 likes this.
  10. dragster156

    dragster156 Member

    May 31, 2012
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    Probably covered before but what exactly do all the diff shoes sizes do? I know they reduce or open the size of the area entering the blower - is that for different rpm choices? or certain overdrive ratios
    ie 20% shoes for up to 8800 or up to 30 over
    30% can be run to 9400 - up to 40 over
    40% to 9800 etc etc etc
    or is that just flat out wrong? lol
    would a 20% provide much more torque and lower end power versus a 40% shoe ??
    I am sure my thinking isn't right but doesn't hurt to ask
  11. Soldierboy0098

    Soldierboy0098 Active Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    The smaller the inlet is the more efficient the blower becomes at lower overdrives but each unit has a peak efficiency. Your PSI roots for example with mods typically performs best at 38-42 as they do not like lower overdrives. SSI F-3 was around 38, my modified F-11 was at 25-29. Asking is the best way to learn without spending money testing, that is the only way I could afford to do it growing up. Critchley will tell you where to run your blower given your combination and has done lots of dyno work. I learned a lot of what I am telling you from him and from studying guys who set records with them.

    Best wishes,
    dragster156 likes this.
  12. Outlaw68

    Outlaw68 Member

    Oct 14, 2007
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    Getting Troy on board with my program was the best money I have ever spent in time I have been running heads up. We currently have a top two car in the country and the fastest Roots blown car in the Country at this weight. 3180 lbs on a DOT 275 tire 4.08 @ 182 1/8 mile and I have not been in any good conditions yet...
    dragster156 likes this.
  13. dragster156

    dragster156 Member

    May 31, 2012
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    would diff inlet shoes play a factor in manifold temp??
    ie if you're at 40 over, 20% shoes and temp is 140
    changing shoes to 30%, 40% or ? would change what?
  14. nitrowannabe

    nitrowannabe Member

    Oct 9, 2006
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    Are you saying you are running 40 over on a 20 over shoe ?
  15. dragster156

    dragster156 Member

    May 31, 2012
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    yes that is what is in it now. but as said have 30,40 and 50 shoes

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