526 hemi blown alky tuneup questions.

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Outlaw Funnycar, Oct 22, 2018.

  1. Outlaw Funnycar

    Jun 24, 2018
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    Ok 526 tfx hemi, 14-71hh and 1100 pump fresh from enderle. Has a k valve with -8 feed. My pump saver is at 150 psi or there about. Idle check is 10 cracking psi. Port check is at 15 psi. The problem we were having is it was heavy on the bottom meaning it was dumping fuel out the pipes at idle. I did install a dbl high speed to help bleed some off at high rpm but wondering what I should set everything at to be safe than sorry. Has 95 in the main I may need to change that. Any help would be greatly appreciated and the big block chevy is fine now thanks to mr mike canter. And the nozzles to me are too big. Nozzle numbers are as follows.

    Port #1 70 #3 64 #5 61 #7 55
    #2 68 #4 64 #6 65 #8 55

    Hat is bau 5 9/16 with 54 - 48 nozzles 10 total.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2018
    promodracer likes this.
  2. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
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    Mar 10, 2004
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    Idle fuel is only controlled by the BV and not by the jets. Put a leakdown tester on the input to the BV, take off the outlet line and cap off the idle return ans see what it reads with the air regulator set at 100 psi.with a 10 crack on the idle checkvalve you normally want it to read somewhere in the 79-81% region. Say it is at 82% then adjust the rod from the BV to the butterfly lever so it drops two points and try that.with the engine running and you snap the throttle open it should be crisp off idle. If it blubbers it is too rich and if it hesitates then it is too lean
    promodracer likes this.
  3. Outlaw Funnycar

    Jun 24, 2018
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    Hey mike canter the b.v. is set at 78%. Its just heavy at idle blowing fuel out the front pipes likes its opening the port check but it shouldnt be opening it with it set to 15 psi. I really think #1 and #2 port nozzles are entirely too big. Its just a fuel headed roots setup. 12.25:1 compression and the blower makes between 34- 45 lbs.
  4. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
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    May 6, 2003
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    Most likely is blowing fuel out the front two due to blower location and that's where the fuel that is going through the blower is ending up.
  5. Outlaw Funnycar

    Jun 24, 2018
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    I swapped #1 and 2 cylinder port nozzles. Went from 70 in 1 to 65 and 65 in number 2 and leaked b.v to 75% and it cleared it up a lot. Still have more to do but I've got it going in the right direction it looks like. Big thanks to mike canter for the help.
  6. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Your port nozzles should not be on at idle. If they are you need to raise the port checkvalve spring pressure. The way to check is to take off the hose off a port nozzle in put it into a plastic milk bottle and start the engine. There should be no flow. I am sure it was changing the BV leakdown that fixed the problem
    Kenny Bass and promodracer like this.
  7. Outlaw Funnycar

    Jun 24, 2018
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    Mike canter redoing the bv seems to have fixed the ports opening. They were set at 15 before and now that rod leaked bv again its all good now. Only opens them when I pop the throttle above 4500
    promodracer likes this.

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