Clutch Help

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Daniel Butherus, Jun 9, 2018.

  1. Daniel Butherus

    Daniel Butherus New Member

    Feb 23, 2017
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    Hi, y'all. I have been running a blown alky altered/funny car for some time now. Last season I had a serious failure of my powerglide and decided to switch to a pedal clutch and a B & J 3 speed. The transmission has 1.45 and 1.35 ratios (1.95 low). The clutch is a Crower 10.7 3 disk #1 springs. The engine is a 541 BBC with a 14-71 standard helix setting right at 1800 HP 4.30 rear gears and 34.5 tires. The car is 1740 lbs with the altered body and 2010 with fbe funny car body. At any rate I have spent a bunch of time on the phone with Roger at Crower to try to get to a starting point for a set up. Roger felt like I should start with 2.5 turns of base but really can't come up with a number for the counter weight. His only notes of comparison where from old IHRA funny cars but not really equivalent due to running a hemi. So here I am looking for some guidance on where to start.

  2. rb0804

    rb0804 Active Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    Since your not getting any replies, I doubt anyone else has any info on that combo either. It depends on Horsepower and which clutch finger you have as there are many. The weight of the car, how it hits the wheelie bar and the stiffness of the wheelie bar also come into play. Roger would probably have the best idea of where you should be, even if it’s IHRA stuff, they were heavier, but also made more power. Are you running bronze floaters or coated surfaces as that makes a different also. The bottom line is you are going to take his recommendation, test it and see what it does. If you don’t have a data recorder I would definitely take some high speed video of the tire and wheelie bar to see exactly what’s going on. Good Luck!
  3. Daniel Butherus

    Daniel Butherus New Member

    Feb 23, 2017
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    No Sir, the floaters aren't coated. The arms are .187. I make a fair bit less power than an IHRA A/FC and also a fair bit lighter. I don't have a data logger, that is a next year upgrade at this point. Roger didn't feel real good about the numbers which is why I decided to throw it out here. I will start with what he gave me unless there is a good reason otherwise.
  4. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    If I had to take a stab at it 30 grams total. That's going to be on the light side I think because you're not going to have the rpm the hemi's do to lock them up.

    If the car dead hooks and doesn't go anywhere, screw some base in it.

    When tuning it, remember base is plate load all the time and finger weight is rpm dependent.
  5. Daniel Butherus

    Daniel Butherus New Member

    Feb 23, 2017
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    Thanks for the feedback!

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