Roots Blower Choices in Acohol Funny Cars

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Mike Canter, Nov 11, 2005.

  1. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Which roots style blower has broven to be the best in the Blown Alcohol Funny car arena. I see a lot of cars with the Littlefield/Kobelco units, some with the SSI's (which rotors, I don't know), have not seen too many full Kobelco units (either the K8s, K9s or K11s).

    I would be interested in hearing which blower and rotor configuration that most are using.
  2. Nathan Sitko - 625 TAD/TAFC

    Jun 24, 2003
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    We bought one of the 'Superman' Kobelco units that had the K8's because we were told it was "the blower" and we wanted to try it. It was awesome until the rotor decided to try and break apart after only 30 runs since BRAND NEW. Cost us about 9-10K Canadian to get it on the car and now it's a paperweight. We are now running the Littlefield unit again and really like it. We ran 6.13 @ 233 with it in Seattle on our TAFC that has an old '96 Daytona fiberglass body and is 150lbs overweight, not quite too close on the tuneup yet either. Only shiftin' at about 8900 rpm too.
  3. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Thanks Nathan, I have seen the Kobelco rotors break apart when used in the Littlefield case also. This one I saw started cracking under where the stripes where were it was lightened. When the rotor top came off it blew the case apart. Not pretty.

    What rotors are in your Littlefield?
  4. M Tigges

    M Tigges TAFC

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Where 100 pounds over Nathan and shift at 9000. new PSI roots $8910 service kit $1875.
  5. Nathan Sitko - 625 TAD/TAFC

    Jun 24, 2003
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    That is right where our rotor cracked. We are lucky though that we found it before we ran it again. We were just running through the valve lash and noticed a tight spot. So we took the belt off and yep, it was in the blower, but not big deal right? We thought that perhaps one of the screws that hold onto the teflon came out and scarred it up and we'd just have to file it and all better, but then pieces fell out when we took the cover off... We pretty much nailed it down to the big lightening hole is drilled too big making it too thin in that area, but Kobelco disagrees. I believe the same thing happened to Sickles in Edmonton this year when his blower exploded.

    I'm not sure what rotors are in our Littlefield - are there any markings on them that you'd be able to tell by????

    M Tigges,

    Sure would be nice to be able to afford one of them new PSI's, but one expensive blower in 2 years is already over budget for us. That's USD I assume? The performance coming out of them sure seems to be awesome, but you ran big numbers with the Littlefield didn't you? Plus, my grandpa George Sitko lives right around Mert's shop I think.
  6. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Hearing about the roots problems makes me glad I have a screw. I actually had to clean the outside of the case once this year because it started to get dirty.

    Seriously, we went through the roots blower of the week stuff 10-12 years ago and it nearly drove me nuts. Restripping every other run, etc., etc. Now the supercharger is the last thing we worry about.

    I have over 100 runs on the PSI I have now and the boost numbers are the same on the last run as they were on the very first run. Don't get me wrong, we keep a good eye on it. And so far that's all we've done. I save the restripping for the paint on my patio deck.

  7. M Tigges

    M Tigges TAFC

    Jun 11, 2003
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    That is funny Randy...LOL
  8. andy wilfong

    andy wilfong Active Member

    May 13, 2003
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    the problem with the rotors splitting was fixed quite some time ago and any that were found were replaced, Littlefields come with kob k11's or our own, depending on customers wishes, both are so close, I dont even have to change tool location when cutting them. As for Mr. Goodwins comment about restripping his blower all the time, when did he last own one, things have changed since then, not only have rotor profiles changed but we have came up with some case mods also that are making quite big improvements, as for Sitkos comment on having the K9's and then they werent the best, sometimes when your looking for improvments with a product you see things that could be improved after being ran on actual racecars, if we didnt keep making changes, there would still be cast rotor 8-71's on all drag cars.
  9. andy wilfong

    andy wilfong Active Member

    May 13, 2003
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    How many cyl heads of the week did randy goodwin go through in the last few yrs?
  10. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Andy thanks for the input. How can one tell on a Littlefield as to which series of rotors are in it? Call you with the serial number or what? So you are saying one should stay away from the Littlefields that had the K9 rotors but the ones with the K-11s are OK? If so that is good info to know.

    Did these Kob K-9 rotors break when they were used in a Kobelco case or was this something that was caused by lightening the rotors when going into the Littlefield case?
  11. andy wilfong

    andy wilfong Active Member

    May 13, 2003
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    We never had any k9's split, this problem was with the first kobelco's that came out a few yrs back, Mert and Darren figured out what was happening and rectified the problem, any littlefield out there, has a serial # on the top and we can look it up and tell what rotors are in it, and dont worry about to many k9's in littlefield cases, when we figured out they were not working that well, we stopped building all that were on order, until the problem was figured out, Kobelco was on the right track with the k9's but it wasnt quite correct, they have gotten it right with the k11's, and ,yes, k11's can be put in a case that had k9's but not k8's. and earlier when I said there were some case mods, they can be done to existing cases also.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2005
  12. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Thanks again Andy. It is good to get the whole story so one can dispell rumors.

    One more question(s). What is the difference in performance in Littlefield blowers with your own rotors, the Kobleco K-9 and the K-11 rotors. Is there a difference in boost, CFM and temperature at low OD and at high ODs how do they compare? Does Littlefield have some advertised performance comparisons at some specified OD like at 55% OD to see a side by side..
  13. topalky511

    topalky511 Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    i noticed andy you commented on restripping, i run a alcohol dragster with a littlefield 1671 on a 451ci hemi its an older blower with littlefield rotors i replace the whites evry 3 runs and the blacks every 6, i spin it at 50 over if i were to buy a new littlefield with k11 rotors would i be needing to do this more or less often, also with the kobelco rotors i was told they were designed more so to suite the pro mod cars were less overdrive is allowed and therfore you cant spin them really hard as they cause to much heat? im about to upgrade blower and i would like to stick with a rootes as i have experience with them and with our rules here in australia i think i can be competitive if i have a killer rootes blower, we have an over drive limit of 70 percent with a rootes and on my 451ci hemi with a psi i can only spin it at 80 percent, any help much appreciated
    thanks aaron
  14. Ken Sitko

    Ken Sitko Super Comp

    Oct 21, 2003
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    To clarify, our blower has the K-8 rotors, and we did only have thirty some runs on it before it tried coming apart on us. We are now out of a blower because the new rotors won't fit in our case, and because I am not willing to pay $5800 to fix a blower I bought new for $6200. I regret ever going away from Mert's blowers, he has excellent service and stands behind his product, so our next roots blower will be one of his.
  15. M Tigges

    M Tigges TAFC

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Well its not true what they told you! and the later rotor designs dont have to be stripped constantly. our Mert will go 10 or 12 runs before it falls off. it has k-8 sure the new k-11s are just as good or better!
  16. nick bell

    nick bell TAFC

    May 12, 2003
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    Mark, how much does the boost fall off over those 10 to 12 runs?
  17. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    So given every thing that has been said on this post the question is what is the best blower for boost, CFM and low temps with unlimited OD.

    Nobody has yet to say that they run a a Kobelco but many appear to run the Littlefields with Kobelco rotors. Does this mean that the Littlefield/Kobelco combination is better than a all Kobelco?

    Nathan was using the Kobelco K8, Mark is running the new PSI High Helix.

    I am building a comparison chart and if you could please anyone regardless which blower combination please email me at and tell me what your max boost is at what rpm and what OD and which blower you have. If you don't want anyone else to see your data then just say so. Thanks in advance. In return I will send you back the comparison excluding guys who want to be kept secret.
  18. M Tigges

    M Tigges TAFC

    Jun 11, 2003
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    We dont have a PSI high helix Mike

    Mert k-8 max boost over finish is 52 @9200 above 1800 corrected 49 that would be a good average with our motor and computer sensors. We dont have manifold temp Mike.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2005
  19. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Mark, thanks for the info. If I may ask what kind of OD does that take? To me it appears that the max boost on a great high helix blower appears to be around 48-49 psi.

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