Possible Regional Series in 2007....NHRA wants your feedback

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Will Hanna, Nov 1, 2005.

  1. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    After several discussions with Len Imbrogno and other NHRA officials, Len suggested I posted this on here to get some feedback from the racers regarding switching from the current divisional format to a regional series.

    I've posted my thoughts on here, but we'll go back through them.

    Let's face it, the current divisional series is broke, as far as the alcohol cars are concerned. Many tracks are making their money on back-gate profit, not front-gate spectator ticket sales. It's low-risk profit. Yes, you can make a higher profit if you brought a crowd, but along with that comes a risk. The tracks that are doing divisionals like this, and it's the majority, don't want the alcohol cars because their purse money cuts into their back gate entry fee money.

    It creates a lose-lose situation for everyone involved. If you're chasing points, or want to race a few national events, you have to attend divisionals. There's no crowd at many of these events so they have little marketing/sponsorship value. The payouts at these events are also very low. The track conditions at some of these events are subpar as well.

    Yes, there are tracks that value the alcohol classes to draw a crowd. Rather than stick with a broke system, I think a new system needs to be established to maximize the value for all parties involved. Such a system could be the Drag Racing equivalent of the Busch Series we have looked for.

    The first move is to eliminate the alcohol cars from the Divisionals. Then you create a Regional series featuring TAD, TAFC and possibly Pro Mod. Make it a two day show, mostly at night. 8 car fields, and each division gets two events at the tracks that want the show and have a good facility.

    With the divisional series gone, racers in TAD/TAFC would now earn points at their best 5 of 8 nationals, and best two of four regionals.

    By the numbers...

    The payout on a regional event would closely mirror a national, just cutting off the first round payout to a 16 car field. The payout would be as follows:
    Win: $5,000
    R/U: $3,000
    Semi: $2,200
    Qual 5-8: $1,900
    Alt 1&2: $1,000
    Alt 3&4: $500
    TOTAL: $23,000 per class.

    If you ran Pro Mod in at this pay scale, your payouts from those three classes would total $69,000. Throw in Top Sportsman and Top Dragster as filler classes, and you're probably $75,000 to $77,000 into it. $25,000 in promotional expenses and $5,000 to put the event on you're in the ballpark of $110,000 to put on the event. A weekend pass at such an event could easily command $50 ($20 for Friday, $30 for Saturday). It only takes 2200 weekend passes to cover expenses. An event like this, promoted properly, should easily bring in over 5000 spectators over the course of a weekend. At 3000 weekend passes, that's a 36% return on investment. Lets not forget about those $4 hamburgers and $3 sodas. And that's with no sponsor support. The numbers are there to make money on the track level, and make a marketable event for alcohol racers, along with significantly better money than the divisional level.

    What are the benefits?

    Let's face a reality, NHRA is not going to pay the alcohol racers enough in payouts to offset the cost of racing. So we need to focus on our marketability to attract sponsors to cover those costs. That's why I'm so adamant about improving the current Top Alcohol program to make it more marketable. The regional series would just about guarantee a good crowd where the alcohol cars got top billing. Now that has marketing value. A divisional where the stands look like a ghost town has little or none.

    We also need to look at the possibility of racing on Saturday, given the NHRA gives us more spotlight. That will be touched on in another thread.

    This is just my opinion. NHRA wants to hear yours....so post your thoughts.
  2. M Tigges

    M Tigges TAFC

    Jun 11, 2003
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    7 races to claim points from Sounds good to me,would give the low budget guys a chance at an NHRA national title.
  3. The Zone

    The Zone Member

    Sep 14, 2003
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    Your math is off a little when is come to the spectators neccessary to break even or to make a profit.
    2200 at $50.00 does break even but that means you need 2200 per day Will.
    The concept has certainly been bantered about by the two different div directors up here, for sure and it does have pretty good merit in my estimation. The problem is that we have four tracks that would like to have the TA cars at there event. I am guessing that Division seven has four tracks as well, and all four are deserving in both cases.
    I think the division's themselves would maybe go for three regionals per division making the neccessary count the best three of six (div) and the best 5 or 6 of eight (nat).

    The purse would be a huge improvement, but it may be a tough sell. Tracks that have divisionals even up here (div 6) where they get possibly the best crowds of all, still have a bit of a problem to get their marketing guys to think bigger is better.

    I for one would be big time in favor of the change.

  4. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    glad you caught me there dean. thats why i was a business major, not math...i ventured off my calculator and it bit me...LOL.

    i'm sure there are divisional tracks that want to get an 8 car tad field and an 8 car tafc field for about 12-14k.

    i dont know. maybe the magic number is 3 per div. if they want to put on an event of that caliber and scale, then maybe you do best 3 of 6 regionals.

    if they don't want to buy into a full scale regional, i'm sure they can find someone like myself or you that can organize a smaller scale tad/tafc match race.
  5. Don Hudson

    Don Hudson Supa fly

    Sep 22, 2003
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    I agree with what Dean says, something needs to change with in the divisional series. Even at Las Vegas there were few if any fans watching on Sat. Dean, Div 6 does have nice crowds at points races. I vote to make Will & Dean in charge of the NHRA. The End, see ya at the Finals.........

  6. bruce mullins

    bruce mullins Top Dragster

    Aug 2, 2003
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    if nhra wanted to make a so-called busch series they (nhra) should completly seperate the national points from regional points. a national championship could be obtained by your best 12 of 16 national events. regionals should not count towards national. this way you probably would not see the highly funded teams run the regionals thus giving the lower funded teams a better chance to run for a title , getting more coverage ,which will help to eventually land a sponsor to help move to the national level. if the points are still accumulated from both series you will eventually kill the class. just take the top 2 cars from every division and you will have your 8 car field and everyone else will be on the outside looking in. how long will it take to run off the non qualifiers. mabey i am overlooking something here, but i am a glass is half EMPTY type of guy on this one.
  7. David Smith

    David Smith Member

    May 7, 2003
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    now that would be scary ! :)
  8. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    bruce, i'd have to differ from you on that one. I think your top teams are going to be there regardless. The Manzos, Newberrys and Paynes would be there testing anyway.

    if you had two regionals per div and could only claim 4, 2 of them you're going to run close to home. that leaves you two to hit in another div.

    it would also take a full season to 12 races. more teams could pursue a national championship.

    you would incur more travel expenses in this format, but you would also have less races a year to have to go to. plus the races you would be going to would have sponsor value.
  9. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    I have an opinion.

    8 car fields at division races suck. Yea, we qualified at Las Vegas, but for crying out loud look at the number and caliber of cars that didn't, and to me that's a shame.

    It takes a tremendous amout of time and money to field one of these cars. If the current program stays intact, based on the history of the attendance at the Las Vegas divisional event, I think Las Vegas should become a wild card race with a 16 car fields and not a division 7 event. It's not really fair to the handfull of division 7 competitors in either class trying to win the division championship having to race competitors from all over the country looking for one more win to clinch their title. I didn't see all these cars at Fallon or Bakersfield.

    I remember them telling us we were to be the 10th pair for the first session. And behind us was Jay and Gasparrelli for the 11th pair. The line went clear back to Jay's pit (practically).

    Hey, it was a lot of fun, but not for the 13 good TA/FC teams that went home early.
  10. The Zone

    The Zone Member

    Sep 14, 2003
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    Randy you make a great point about Vegas, a great idea.

    Good luck to everyone in Pomona.

    Hopefully they make a smart decision for the TAD class (for once).

  11. JJP

    JJP New Member

    Nov 2, 2005
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    Thumbs up to Will’s idea but with the addition of 16 cars… :)
  12. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    16 cars

    if you had tad and tafc with a 16 car field at national event pay you're looking at $67,400 in payout for those two classes. a national event 16 car payout equals $33,600.

    i think a 16 car field would be ideal myself, but putting myself on the other side of the ball, i dont know if a track would want to invest that kind of money in two classes.

    maybe if we can get a regional series sponsor to step up we can get the extra money needed to bridge the gap.

    it has been mentioned there shouldn't be a problem with finding a class sponsor for the alcohol classes....
  13. Woodchip

    Woodchip Top Alcohol Dragster

    Aug 27, 2004
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    TWO divisional races? Or four at best? Look at any top running or halfway decent car in the nation and they have one thing in common.. LAPS!! What you are proposing is making the regionals a gamble more than a race and to me thats not racing. For example look how far into the divisionals it took Arthur Gallant to become consistant this year. Racers want the opportunity to put as many laps as they can afford during a season in anticipation of running better the following race. Will, you are familiar with budgets correct? well re run the fixed recurring expenses for the season and now your only dividing by four instead of six or seven. Becomes more expensive per year to run a car doesnt it? And to make up those laps by running national events just makes traveling a whole lot more expensive because of distance. And at those regionals what are you going to use as filler between rounds of an event that has 24 cars TOTAL? Top sportsman and top comp wont be enough. You certainly aren't even going to have much of a front gate by charging spectators 30 or 40 for 24 cars. What would I propose? Let NHRA Set an advertizing "tax" on track owners to come into the NHRA fold much like national service and store chain franchises must pay their franchise fee that does the advertizing for them. Compel them to advertize to draw spectators. Let them work like they should to fill the seats and promote the sport that is their livelyhood. Let them determine the filler to put in that advertizing that would draw spectators and offset the cost of their franchise/advertizing fees if they think Alcohol/comp/super stock/stock super classes isnt enough. Lebanon Vally had a decent crowd for the fourth of july with fireworks, and the spectators loved the alcohol cars. And they are out in the sticks and the track is not easy to find. Tracks that DID advertize DID draw some crowds. Make them do the work and take the "risk" as you say. Business is about risk after all.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2005
  14. nitrohawk

    nitrohawk New Member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    If I understand the thinking here the divisional races as we now know them would still be run only minus the alcohol classes. Now there are at least six good tracks in division 4 but you are proposing that there only be four "regional" races that would count for points in the alcohol classes. Looks like some tracks might be left out that might want a reginal race. Who would deside which tracks get the races?
    Just food for thought but do you think the tracks holding the divisional races just might hire in some fast cars (like No Paroblem did at the Sportsman Nationals) to advertise so they can attract spectators. If you take all the money No Problem spent on cars to advertise it would have cost them very little difference to feature the alcohol classes. This would kind of defeat at least part of the reasoning for a change. I to think there needs to be a change in the format for the National championship. In my openion NHRA is the key to any format having success. When they get behind the alcohol classes and create a situation where the class appears to the general racing public to be the training ground and steping stone to the Top Fuel class it will happen. There are plenty of fine racers in these classes and the performance of the class is stunning. The class can be promoted and be a huge succdess if done right. It will not happen however when promotions are attempted by third parties with no money to take part of the action. There is risk in any venture. No risk no gain. A true promoter believes in his ability to get the spectators out and return him and the strip operator a great profit! I have been around dragracing pretty much since the beginning but one thing that amazes me is the great show at the divisional level with no advertising to bring in the spectators to see this great show. This hurts all racers. We have divisionals that you wouldn't know your brother was racing unless he told you.
    No newspaper advertising, no radio, no tv, no fliers, nothing. If you don't take Nat. Dragster and look real hard for the schedule you would have no way of knowing.
    One thing to think about is that no 8-car show will draw the crowd that and official NHRA points meet will.
    I don't have the answers but I would like to see a situation where you would run against cars in your own division. After all this is a Sportsman class. By allowing more national events to count and requiring fewer divisional events to count toward a national championship it might help. Hell I don't know but I do applaud your effort to effect change. Just think it needs to be really thought through and discussed at all levels first.
    How about running the divisional races like we do now for in division points since these races are currently working fine and have four regional races that would count toward local divisional points and two fo the four would count toward national points. Since most of the reacers are not chasing national points anyway It would make it easier for those who were and put the division championship back within the division.
  15. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    runs and costs


    we have to build a system that has value. how many alcohol racers with competitive operations would go to a match race that paid $3500 ($2500 to win plus maybe $1000 for assorted contingencies) for six runs stretched out over 3 days? Only one car gets that and it gets worse from there.

    i agree in the fact that there should be something in place to make some of these divisionals promote the races the way they should, but that's just not realistic. nhra is not going to hold a gun to a member track and make them spend $10,000 in advertising. divisionals have become a sportsman, high car count money maker off entry fees. lets not forget that a real promoter is a rare breed these days.

    if you amortorize a set amount of money to a set amount of races, yes that will make your costs go up. but even on that level, if you're only going to 4 of these races versus 8 divisionals, you free up money to apply to those 4 regionals, and should have some left to test. you also free up time and resources to hit more national events. 12 races to chase a national championship is far more feasible than 16.

    but the feedback is appreciated. maybe the magic number is 3 regionals per div. take your best 4 out of 6.

    keep in mind with the regional series, this may not be restricted to division. maybe there's 3 tracks in div 1 that wants to hold one and 2 in div 2, etc. i think at least two tracks per div should hold one, and if additional tracks want dates, maybe up to 6 extra dates...that would be 20 regional events.

    as far as car counts, three eight car fields means there will be 24 come first round for tad, tafc, pro mod. there will be probably close to 40% more at very least trying to qualify, so now you have 40-50 heads up cars trying to qualify. i stated originally, there needs to be some filler. top sportsman and top dragster (top comp out west) are popular categories.

    so you take 3 eight car fields and start elims at 8 pm on a hot summer night. without major delays, with a 75 min pit turnaround, you're looking at 90 min from the start of one round to the start of the next. so you run at 8, 9:30, and 11. you figure 20 to 30 min. a session, if you open up with pro mod at 8, 8:30ish you're sending TAFC down, and 9 ish you're sending TAD down. You roll right back into Pro Mod at 9:30 R2, and you'll be complete with TAD R2 by 10:15 or so. So that means you need to have a round or two before 8 of your filler classes. you should be able to fill most of your down time with the remaining rounds for those eliminators. you come around to the finals at 11:20 or so. you have now ran within that 4 hour entertainment window. a little downtime isn't a bad thing. alot is, but a little isn't. at these caliber of cars, there is interesting action going on in the pits. plus you need time to hit the restrooms and grab a snack. i think pro mods, fc's and tad could command a $30 saturday night ticket.
  16. Crew

    Crew Volunteer

    Jul 31, 2005
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    Will there be an unlimited number of entries at a national events or what will dictate who can and can't get in if there are no more division points? Seems with this setup there will be more cars at national events.
  17. Woodchip

    Woodchip Top Alcohol Dragster

    Aug 27, 2004
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    If you get a series sponsor you have already fixed the payout problem by adding that money to the payout.

    franchise owners are forced to pay what seems like (to an outsider)exhorbitant fees just to wear the McDonalds double arches brand. Yet they reap the rewards of national instant recognition by branding and menu familiarity. What if lets say this McDonalds owner refused to pay for advertizing yet McDonalds let him use their logo even though at times this guy sells hot dogs, cotton candy and popcorn. and decides to use his Own damn menu? what effect does this have on the mcDonalds branding? Yes national brands use the "gun to the head" to retain their market abd branding value all the time. The sucessfull ones do anyway. You have GOT to preserve your image and not substitute a circus for a race.
    yes one of the greatest passed away this year. one that took incredible risks! Maybe like the franchise system I mentioned NHRa should have a series of promotor conferences where track owners or their promotors would go to learn and share tips on promoting and what works for them at their tracks. Franchise owners I think do this several times a year to stay competitive and at the top of their game.
    What you are saying is use the money that would otherwise be used for parts attrition and traveling expenses and use that for national events? How would this save money? As far as freeing up time and resources our team works during the week and each of us loses money on lost income from the wednesday night we leave till we get back monday night from a national event. Your killing me with this math Will.

    what diference does that make if it has been said the majority of the teams arent chasing points? No ones forcing everyone to compete at every event. we didnt intend to chase points at the beginning of the year but it just happened we had a very good year divisonally. If you cut down on the regional events the tough ones are going to test anyway and come raceday the low budget teams who cant test will still be stepping on their tails and be on the outside looking in.
    There ya go you got me traveling again into divion two and maybe division three if the track owners dont like us. 75 min? Thats a national event turnaround at a divisional/regional event. AT NIGHT even.Two man teams like the Horner Brothers (boy I dont know how they do it) will not be able to keep up with that turnaround.. Also hows the view outside that fogged up windshild on the night races you go to Will? Most drivers I know definatly DONT like to race on divisional caliber tracks at night. Did you notice the police escort for the top fuel cars as they headed back to their pit space in Atlanta as they towed at 35 mph? That didnt seem too safe to me all in the name of preserving tv time. Mark my words someone is going to get hurt BADLY!
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2005
  18. sc7662

    sc7662 Member

    Dec 5, 2004
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  19. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    moving forward

    moving forward is going to take changes. i'm trying to map out a realistic route to moving forward.

    in a perfect world, nhra would be able to enforce an advertising fee for divisionals. however in reality, in the absence of promoter type track owners, you have car count track owners. they want to open their gates up on friday night and have 200 street cars. they want bracket races with high car counts. when the divisional rolls to town, they want high car counts. back gate, back gate, back gate. maybe they tried to advertise one time, but they probably half assed it. some might not have the resources to put on a big event. bottom line, there are alot more back gate owners, opposed to promoters who know what they're doing and can bring them through the front gate. keep in mind on the non national event level, there is quite the track war going on between nhra and ihra. if they want to be back gate, and nhra says you need to be back gate, ihra comes over and tells them 'we don't have alky cars at divisionals, and we have good sportsman participation to help your back gate.' i agree, nhra holding some sort of promoting clinic would be good for the sport. sending a free copy of steve evans' "Be There" CD would be a good start.

    it's just not realistic to sit here and talk about how nhra needs to tax the tracks. let's put together a program nhra will get behind.

    nitrohawk, you're absolutely right. one assumption that this potential program is reliant on is nhra getting behind this. and i mean more than a mention at the end of nhra2day. nhra would really need to blitz the deal hard. pump it up on the website, with numerous plugs on motel 6 vision during national events. this program absolutely has value to nhra in expanding it's fan base to regions and market groups the powerade series doesn't hit.

    as far as expenses go, there's no way you can tell me that 8 division races are cheaper than 4 to 6. yes, there will be additional travel expenses incurred. it will effect everyone's job differently. you might have a couple more early weekends, but you'll have less weekends to take off thursday for that divisional.

    if alcohol cars are to be a main attraction, 90 minutes in the pits is a thing of the past. 75 minutes guaranteed is more time than you get at most nationals these days.

    as far as running at night, if you go back to my original post, i mentioned facilities capable of holding an event like this. obviously lighting is an issue. i don't think you would bring this event into a substandard race track.

    where am i going with all of this. it's to take the alcohol classes to a level where it's easier to find sponsor support. where you don't have to be independently wealthy to chase a national championship out of your own pocket. nhra has said and it's pretty much a policy statement that you will never be able to support your racing off of prize money. it's very difficult, if not impossible to make a class cheaper with new rules. it's never going to be like it used to be. we can try to control rising costs, but generally the only things i've ever seen make a class cheaper to run is technology advancements, and i've never seen a rules change work. so you've got to focus on a way to make the class more marketable to bring in sponsors.

    what i don't see is the current system getting us there. if you're going after sponsors, you're more than likely going to go after at least a top ten. to do so, you're probably going to have to go to 8 divisionals. depending on which div you run, i bet more than half of that 8 will have a pure spectator count less than 500. half of that total will probably be less than 100. so if you're not discounting your divisional events to your sponsors, their not getting their money's worth. well, once you discount the deal, and with the low payouts, you're probably spending more money than what you take in on both payouts and sponsorship for that race. if a rep goes to one of those no fans in the stands races, or sees a picture posted on the internet with empty stands, you better start looking for a new sponsor monday.

    maybe some racers are just content with the way it is. maybe i'm wrong and the majority out there would just keep on going to 5 or 6 divisionals because they're close and you can qualify pretty easy.

    i think the majority however, is like most racers, they want to move up. most of them probably moved up to alcohol from a lower category. maybe a limited divisional schedule is all they can afford on their own budget. they probably would like to chase points, but they can't. what i'm trying to do is create a system that has enough value that a team can secure the corporate backing to step up to that level.

    more than creating a system, i'm trying to stimulate interest, get a pulse and get feedback.

    i firmly believe the alcohol classes have the potential to be an equivalent to nascar's busch series, if presented the right way in the right environment and promoted properly. i just don't think you get there from here in the current system.

    maybe i'm out in left field trying to get there. maybe the majority just wants it to be the same. i don't think so, but if i am totally out there, sound off.

    i forget who said it, but someone once said, "Change isn't mandatory, but neither is survival"
  20. sc7662

    sc7662 Member

    Dec 5, 2004
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    Your right about the above mentioned but for all reading don't
    forget about all the sportsmen.Because with out the big car counts from
    sc,sg,ss,s,sst and so on that back gate $$$$$$ would'nt be there to pay
    the purses. we'll not really purses more like change bags but you get the picture.It always trickles down and N.H.R.A has been trickle down for years on all the sportsmen and i know we all are tired of it.

    i firmly believe the sportsmen classes have the potential to be an equivalent to nascar's busch series, if presented the right way in the right environment and promoted properly. i just don't think N.H.R.A will get there from here in there current frame of mind.


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