Trailer weight

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by hotrodharley, Feb 23, 2017.

  1. hotrodharley

    hotrodharley Member

    Apr 2, 2014
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    Would anyone have a rough estimate of weight of a 38 foot goose neck 1984 chaparral trailer with a fuel cart..4000 generator.. air compressor loaded
  2. Nitro Madness

    Nitro Madness Super Comp

    Sep 14, 2003
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    Hey Don....seems like my Classic 38" with a Chevy Crew Cab Dually was around 21,500 lbs complete....included the truck, trailer along with tools and golf cart...but did have a Honda 6500 generator and small air compressor....
    I though that I was OK with my license as the combined weight was less than 26,001 - but found out that the CDL requirements were for the total GVWR of the truck and trailer I was over and had to get a CDL a few years ago....yes it was a pain...
    As far as the trailer, I had triple 5200 axles and 15" tires...mathematically it was not overloaded....but i started loosing 2-3 tires per season so it was time to upgrade my trailer...the trailer manufacturers will tell ya that when you start getting tire failures it's overloaded...
    More info than you needed here but thought that I should tell ya my experience...
  3. hotrodharley

    hotrodharley Member

    Apr 2, 2014
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    THANKS;;;;All this is very good information and needed;;;What I,M got issues with is my truck I use to tow with is down;;I spent a shut load of money rebuilding it..Every thing was replaced new except the injector pump/turbo/crank/rods;;;;drove 50 miles and all suddan it started sputtering like running out of fuel then back fired couple times and died and at same time it died it blowed lower radiator off;;;now I have to use starting fluid/battery charger just to get started and when starts have to hold throttle to floor to keep running and white smoke so bad can't see truck and burns your eyes and thoart so bad cant be around it;;a
    anyway I got side track on here;;why needing trailer weight is I don't know whats wrong with my truck so thinking maybe just buy another truck and trying research to find out what truck pull my load ok;;;bad thing is I only have $4000 to try fix my truck or buy another truck;;found a 88 c30 with 6.2 and everyone was asking how much I was pulling before they can tell me if the 6.2 could tow it or not
  4. TADHemiracer

    TADHemiracer Member

    Dec 9, 2010
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    While the 6.2 would probably pull it, I would be more concerned about the brakes and transmission. I had a one ton 454 gas chevy that I tried to pull my 44' gooseneck trailer with, the engine strained but the brakes and transmission didn't do well. I would be leary about the C30 ability to hold up for very long.
  5. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    I had a 42' 1981 Chaparral that had the double frame rail option and 4 leaf springs per axle. Empty with the Onan generator/work bench package that came with it new weighed 10500 pounds at a truck scale. You can add the stuff you're carrying to that number.

    Get the new 900+ ft lbs of torque Duramax with the Allison tranny. The truck will outlive you.

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