synthetic oil question

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by H BROWN, Aug 15, 2005.

  1. H BROWN

    H BROWN blown alky

    Sep 20, 2004
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    Is there a problem running the old ROYAL PURPLE nitro 50 with the good seperating additives IN A BLOWN 526 BBC?? Do not have any probem with oil dillution yet, maybe a spoonful of water in the oil after 4 or 5 passes. I Just strain, filter and put back in every weekend. Does synthetic wear out?? Just put back together with new rod,pistons and rings, should I break in on throw away oil for a few passes then go back to the synthetic? thanks on any tips Howard.
  2. A/Fuel&HisMoney

    A/Fuel&HisMoney Jr. Dragster

    Mar 3, 2005
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    Royal Purple makes a Nitro Plus 60 Warm Up oil for break in. The Nitro Plus 50, 60 and 70wt oils are better suited for use after initially seating the rings.

    Shameless plug inserted here for our company. Your Royal Purple Superstore!
  3. clint thompson

    Jan 15, 2004
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    we run the nitro 60 in our TAFC. no break in oil or anything special and just let the alky evaporate out, filter through a paint strainer and run over and over. we use it 5 gallons at a time (dry sump) and have made about 80 gallons last for over a year (about eighty runs). i don't know if it wears out, but when it starts looking polluted (from the other assembly lubes etc) we finally throw it out.
  4. john348

    john348 Top Alcohol

    May 29, 2003
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    can you explain how you let the alky "evaporate
    we have quite a few 5 gallon pails with 1 run on them, they look like, well bad, when you drain the tank
    trying to come up with a way to re-use more than 1 run
  5. clint thompson

    Jan 15, 2004
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    john 348

    we just put it in large drain pans and let it sit out. it does need to be warm, over 70 degrees is best. i stir it up occasionally and the methanol just floats to the top and evaporates. you can use a fan to speed up the process. when we are at the track we let the hot oil sit in the drain pan and it really happens fast when it is hot especially if the air temp is warm. after the methanol evaporates we pour the oil through a paint filter and get all the stuff out of it. i haven't tried it but i hear you can heat it up on a burner in a metal drain pan and speed up the process. if there is a lot of fuel in it you can use a turkey baster (ask your wife, but tell her she'll never see it again) and suck up the majority of the fuel as it will separate and just float on the top of the oil.

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