BDS vs Indy BBC manifold

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by BEDNAR1320, May 30, 2016.

  1. BEDNAR1320

    BEDNAR1320 Member

    Oct 8, 2008
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    I know the Indy is supposed to be a better manifold, but how much "better", I currently run a BDS is it worth changing considering the cost of the manifold itself, buying a new belt, etc? This is with a 14-71 HH and I run a 2 1/2" setback plate.

    Does the blower set back further on the Indy manifold than it does on the BDS?

    Thanks in advance for any input.
  2. Bob Alberty Jr.

    Jun 7, 2003
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    I'm running a Meirsh Royal Ram on mine, with a custop KPE top plate. It eliminates having to run an additional setback plate. The Royal Ram plenum is elevated off the valley (air flows under the runners). No data to verify my thèory, but it has to provide a cooler charge than everything else I have seen.
  3. BEDNAR1320

    BEDNAR1320 Member

    Oct 8, 2008
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    I'm pretty sure the Indy is like that too. From what I understand the Meirsch is top of the heap.
  4. Bob Alberty Jr.

    Jun 7, 2003
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    About the same $$$, no setback plate, o-ring eliminates gaskets.
  5. Blownalky

    Blownalky Top Sportsman

    May 9, 2005
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    I've owned and run both. The Indy is way easier to work with when it comes to nozzles. If you run a distributor in the rear the Indy is tight back there and you may need to mill the platform some. The Indy is open on the bottom for air flow under the runners. You can also cut the floor out and run a valley plate if you get one from Brendan Murray out in San Jose. It does come with undersized ports which is great for port matching but if you have big ports you are going to do a lot of grinding. The Indy also has this goofy floor in the front that I was told was to help improve flow with a roots. I've run it with both roots and a screw and it seems to work okay but I wished it has a floor like the BDS or better yet the floor of a Blower Shop intake. The fuel distribution would be easier on the BDS or Blower Shop. There is more meat for a set back plate so you don't really need to weld on the back drivers side rail to add more material. If you want to talk to someone about them, call Jeff Fowler or Chris at AJPE. Don't call Indy as they are a bunch of goof balls.
  6. larrymiersch

    larrymiersch Member

    Oct 12, 2003
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    Thanks for the kind words, Bob! If anyone is looking for info on the "Miersch" or Royal Ram manifold feel free to reach out to my dad as the manifold deal is his. He can be reached at 760-427-5840. Otherwise, feel free to contact me via DM and I will help out.


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