Racepak help

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by CjRedden, May 31, 2016.

  1. CjRedden

    CjRedden Member

    Jan 16, 2010
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    ive been running my racepak which now makes my 3rd year. I have never had problems retrieving data. this year I have made 2 runs so far and somehow I seem to have lost fuel, oil, and boost pressure. egts, driveshaft, rpm all seem to work fine. it is the 3 pressures that have just disappeared. when I uploaded the 2 runs, these 3 were just gone. I spoke to racepak today which they seem to think I have a bad wire. can anyone have any input or help on how to see which one is bad without starting my car a dozen times trying to trouble shoot it? with the car not running, as it sits, I hit run telemetry and it seems to be all normal. they are all there and pressures read 0 and egts read 70 as is the air temp. I am lost. the only thing I changed is the rear end magnet I changed to read 8 magnets. is it possible I did something there? thanx guys
  2. CjRedden

    CjRedden Member

    Jan 16, 2010
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    I suppose I forgot to add that it is a v300sd
  3. greenracing

    greenracing Member

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Temporarily plumb up an air regulator to the pressure sensors and hook up shop air. You can run the pressure up and down without starting the engine. Hook a guage up and you'll know what the pressure is supposed to read - I've used my leakdown tester as it gives you a regulator and gauge. Make sure to start and keep regulators fairly low so you don't hurt anything.
  4. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    One of the problems with V300 is interference from a Promag and that is why a lot of FCs have to use the Pro-II systems. If they use a V300 usually it only works if enclosed in a metal box to shield it. So since that Analog Unit with the pressure sensors is located further forward in the engine compartment closer to the high voltage system you can make sure the box is grounded and no ignition wires run too close to it (if possible)
  5. jay70cuda

    jay70cuda Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2009
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    Did you mix up cables by chance. I have that same system and don't use those boxes. I've never had a problem. Only when I mixed up v net cables
  6. CjRedden

    CjRedden Member

    Jan 16, 2010
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    I dont think i mixed up any wires. Unless i put the wrong plug on the wrong oil and boos pressure gauge. But i have been running this the same way for 3 years now. This is why im confused
  7. Blownalky

    Blownalky Top Sportsman

    May 9, 2005
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    All VNET individual sensors or do you use any USM's or transducer box's?
  8. CjRedden

    CjRedden Member

    Jan 16, 2010
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    all Vnet. I have them set up in a row. I have the fuel pressure connects to egts for 1 3 5 7. an extension cable then oil, boost, and egt for the other side. then cable to go to the racepak.

    I was just looking more into it. I went to car config. read car config. when I opened that up, it showed a box that said car configuration does not match what was there. so I did a read car configure and a write configuration. it appears to be working now. I tested it. did a recording and used air to blow info fuel pressure. when I downloaded this test, it showed everything was there and it actually read all of the sensors. next step is to test it with it running.
  9. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    My question on that is if the car.configuration was incorrect then why did it work sometimes and sometimes not? If the configuration was incorrect and it did work then the pressures maybe would have been incorrect
  10. CjRedden

    CjRedden Member

    Jan 16, 2010
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    I believe when I switched the setup for the rear end sensor. I changed it from a 2 to an 8 magnet collar. when I did that, It must have changed the configuration. racepak explained to me that under telemetry it reads in real time which is different than a recording. I am not sure that makes sense or not. from testing it today with the car off, I did a recording with the motor off. I use compressed air to blow into the fuel pressure and it seemed to read and all be normal. I will test it this weekend in the driveway on projacks.

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