540 or 572 cubic inch Chevy

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by KICHLER, Jan 22, 2016.


    KICHLER New Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Hey guys new to blown alcohol, been running terminators on some big cubic inch stuff before. My question is on cubic inch. I have now a tall deck bow tie block 4.5" bore, billet main caps. Reher Morison dart pro 1 heads. Ex al billes 1471 high helix Hampton blower. Enderle birdcatcher. The motor is going in a 3/4 scale monster truck and shooting for 1500+hp. Won't turn big rpm but must have lots of torque and throttle response for a lot of jam right from dead stop launches. Do I go with a 540 cubic inch with a 4.25" stroke 6.535 rods or a 4.5" stroke and 6.700 Rod.
  2. gordon tarbell

    Sep 19, 2009
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    4.25" stroke, use the 6.7" rods. Easy on parts with chevy block. Don't scrimp on balance job. Keep compression at 10.5:1 (+/- .25), spin blower to put 18 to 20 psi in manifold. mild cam easy on parts similar to crane R286/4467-2s-12 . keep timing around 36* . This will make great power , won't need to buzz over 7500-7800. easy to tune, and spend less time fiddling with eng. and more time driving the thing. After you get use to it you can add more blower over drive. and or a bit more compression. This combo will easily make the power you want with out wearing you out with maint. and parts bills.
  3. Comax Racing

    Comax Racing Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    What he ^^^^^^^^^^^ said.

    KICHLER New Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    What would the compression height be with 6.7 Rod and 4.25 stroke?
  5. Torment

    Torment Member

    Dec 7, 2010
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    At 10.2" deck you'd be 1.375 compression height for zero deck - but you'll likely be closer to 10.19 after the shop squares the decks.
    bandit496 likes this.
  6. swansonhydro

    swansonhydro Member

    Jul 27, 2015
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    Do you run Rons terminators. Also for blown chevy configuration i think 36* is alot Id start at 28* and see what the plug tells you. (Just A tip)Not saying that he was wrong or anything just my 2 cents. I just a 540 BBC brodix BB3 380 xtra CNC with a 14-71(had an 8 the 3 years tho) first year with the 14-71 but we made 18 psi of boost and my motor combo didnt want really anything over 28* 30* on somedays.
  7. gordon tarbell

    Sep 19, 2009
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    Good catch on the timing, 28* is a good starting point for timing. Previously mentioned combo running 36* of timing was based on 10.3:1 compression ratio , 2amp vertex mag, and A/F ratio of 3.7:1 . It is desirable to start at 28* and tune from there. Low static CR (10.3:1 instead of 12:1) and AF raito of 3.7:1 worked well with the 34*-36* that was used with the early dart heads. A higher amp mag will want less advance.
  8. jay70cuda

    jay70cuda Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2009
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    Try and get a 44 amp mag. Those are Bullet proof. Keep the timing below 30 with large amp mags. Keep the dome small on the piston and it will make good torque. I'm also a high compression guy but that might be a little much for a monster truck. But that 10.3 compression scares me that it won't be enough for your target hp. Try and set it up with. Large head gasket. If you need more you can always run a smaller gasket. For every .010 in gasket it increases compression .3.
  9. gordon tarbell

    Sep 19, 2009
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    This engine combo in a monster truck will have run times longer than that of a drag set up. High amp mags make horsepower but over heat on extended run times. Higher compression ratios tend to narrow the tuning window . Blowers are easy to spin slower or faster to get different power levels ,within reason. Kichler is new to the game of blown alky engines , just trying to make his learning curve more forgiving. I set up a Ford based combo similar to this in an early overweight monster truck about 15 years ago called Shotgun, owned by Darrell Arthurton (spelling?) , It did very well in the Free style bookings he participated in. Truck was too heavy to do well in the race events though . Like I said , just trying to ease him into the game , not rotate the earth at first. For a mag to fit the application talk to Spud Miller at FiE in Philomouth Oregon. He is the Mallory mag guy now , also does vertex style setups , plus fuel systems. Tell him Gordon from Sacramento sent you.

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