Used Blown BBC cam shaft Degree settings

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by aafa760, Dec 29, 2015.

  1. aafa760

    aafa760 Member

    Jul 13, 2010
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    Hey Everyone got a new project here in AZ blown 450 CI BBC.
    It has a 650 calculated lift Roller cam in it 1.7 Rockers Crower & rev kit.
    The Former owner told me it was a Herbert cam copy of old Racer Brown
    Being a Early and Late Hemi guy I can degree in a cam.

    Any Ideas what this cam might need installed at?
    Some BBC chevy Guys said line up the marks on the KBRE gear Drive and run it! lol

    Thanks for any insight,
    BTW I did email Tim@Herbert cams to see if he might have old record of this cam.

  2. gordon tarbell

    Sep 19, 2009
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    What is engine combo going in? Put it in the block and measure lift and dur@.050" , lobe separation angle? check for proper valve clearance. spend an evening getting intimate with your degree wheel and dial indicator to make you own cam card. Out of habit with unfamiliar cams I usually start at 3*to 4* advance from split overlap. super light car might try straight up. If you have to run it 4* to 6* retarded from split overlap to get it to pull on the big end,you would be better off saving up for better cam. JMO
  3. aafa760

    aafa760 Member

    Jul 13, 2010
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    Thanks Gordon

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