rev counter for super mag 5

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by slingshot, Oct 5, 2015.

  1. slingshot

    slingshot New Member

    May 23, 2015
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    i have a autometer monster tach with built in shift light,super mag 5 and solid core plug wires.will the autometer tach converter (part no 8119) work or is it a load of rubbish.does anyone sell or make a rev counter that is compatable with what ive got.many thanks.
  2. Comax Racing

    Comax Racing Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    Sorry but the tach converter won't work. I have the same set up and the tach just goes in circles when the engine is running. I rigged up a mag pick up and a hand held tach for setting up the car. Did away with the in car tach all together.

  3. slingshot

    slingshot New Member

    May 23, 2015
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    cheers corey.
  4. crdafoe

    crdafoe Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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    Supermag tach solution

    I am building an nostalgia a/fuel combination and using a SuperMag V as well. I encounted the same issue, and contacted Spud Miller at FIE with the question about it, since he's the manufacturer of SuperMag's now. Here is what he told me about it:

    Chris: Very old caps and/or rotors will cause tons of extra noise from the ignition. Voltage likes sharp edges to jump to/from and an old cap and rotor will have all its contact edges rounded and worn causing voltage (and noise) to skyrocket. Tachs hate the extra noise from that. A very worn or missing center contact in the cap/rotor will make tachs inoperable. If a guy really wants a rock solid signal to feed a tach, install a good shielded crank trigger pickup and use its output direct to the tach device. It's bullet proof.

    Because the MSD 8132 doesn't work so well for Super-Mags or Vertex mags, we have a new tach signal generator in the prototype phase. It utilizes a special pickup on the coil wire or the magneto cap. It USES the noise present to create a nice signal. It works very good so far, we're looking for more testers to try them out. Or, you can build one yourself with a combination of parts, read up here:

    Hopefully that helps

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