End of 2014 parts sale

Discussion in 'Noonan Classifieds' started by uwarrior, Dec 5, 2014.

  1. uwarrior

    uwarrior Member

    Jul 16, 2003
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    Ssi 14-71 fuel blower $2500

    SSI long blower snout coupler $75

    SSI short blower snout coupler $75

    RCD 13.9 toothed ilder pulley, 3 inch wide $100

    rage 94 gallon fuel pump $1500

    one side of decellis rs-2 rocker stands with ti shafts $750

    mckinney mag management box for fuel funny car $150

    msd point and coil box part #8105 $250

    boninfante 10.5 nine stand, five disc clutch complete
    w/levers, nice condition $2500

    six stage clutch management system $300

    hartman 6 stage fuel system $300

    jw ssi starter bracket with belt guard with 3 stands $50

    strange 9 inch toploader pinion support w/bearing, used $200

    kb stage 10, 3 inch main rear main cap, new $50

    strange 12 inch front pinion support cover $200

    starnge 12 inch small axle hubs $100

    strange 12 inch large axle hubs $100

    aft tall gold timers $30 each

    1 ½ aluminum fuel line plug $20

    lenco 1 ½ inches driveshaft , 7 ¼ inches long
    35 spline $50

    lenco 1 ¾ driveshaft, 5 inches long $50

    lenco 1 ½ male coupler 35 spline $45

    msd point box & black coil mounting bracket $20

    12 inch chrisman rear spool, used, $200

    12 inch chrisman rear frt bearing support. Used $150

    funny car weigh bar, bolt on, $50

    10.5 clutch discs 1 ¾ 10 spline used .310 to .320 range $25 each

    mr gasket timing cover gasket for 426 hemi #91 $10 each

    mr gasket 426 hemi oil pump gasket #688 $5

    enderle fuel rails $50 each

    enderle fump pump clamp adapter $20

    rcd 14mm gt blower belts 1568-84, used 3 runs $25

    blue end plugs for rocker shaft, used $5 each

    halon fire bottle nozzle, female $10 pair

    ¾ lb co2 bottle mounting brackets $20

    jfz front brake pads 005-1004 new, 2 pads $15

    wilwoods front spot brake pads, 1251, new $20

    left side nitro funny car stainless steel header $200

    miller-gibson 3.5 mag blower snout w/ coupler $250

    ray frank disc grinder, nice $2000

    vertical floater/flywheel grind $1800

    100+ 10.5 clutch disc 1 ¾ - 10 used around .325 $25 ea

    shipping is extra

    paul weiss
    203-906-3084 anytime
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2015
  2. uwarrior

    uwarrior Member

    Jul 16, 2003
    Likes Received:
    thanks for looking


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