Hemi oil pump drive shaft failure

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Joe Blo Speed Shop, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Joe Blo Speed Shop

    Joe Blo Speed Shop New Member

    Apr 3, 2015
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    BAE Hemi with PSI mag drive, P&P dual stage oil pump, oil is 50 weight and warmed before starting, no oil in pan. I have been having trouble twisting and shearing the 3/8 hex drive for the pump. Not sure if its because there is no oil in pan and when it does pick up it may shock the pump and load up the shaft. This has happened 4 times now.
    Hopefully there is an easy fix, please help.
    Or I would like to know what are others are running, or even if its a multi stage belt drive dry pump.
    Thanks guys
  2. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    A couple of questions. Does this only happen on startup? The first start of the day? What is your cold oil pressure at idle? What max pressures do you see at peak rpm during the run? What is your idle timing with what heads?
  3. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    restriction? bypass?

    have you checked to make sure there isn't a major restriction somewhere in the system to make the pump dead-head and possibly shear the shaft? Bad filter, wrong filter, filter in backwards, rag or something stuck where it shouldn't be...

    The pump scavenge line is empty for the most part if the oil is drained, so if it was 'shocking' the gears it would do this every start up after a drain. Putting a few quarts in would not back feed the line enough to supply the line to the pump. I have started them with no oil in the pan before with no problems like you are experiencing. If it was a problem, it would be a big 'no no' everyone would know about.

    I'm not 100% discounting your theory, but it seems unlikely.

    Has the pump been apart to make sure there isn't some debris trying to go through it every time? nothing lingering in the scavenge line? I have heard of spring tips locking them up.
  4. jeffj

    jeffj Member

    Mar 8, 2008
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    You could try checking the bypass piston/spring to make sure that it is not stuck in the closed position as it could then send the pressure to the moon right at the start and shear the drive before you even see pressure at the gage. Just a thought to check that it is operating freely.
  5. Joe Blo Speed Shop

    Joe Blo Speed Shop New Member

    Apr 3, 2015
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    Hi Guys,
    Yes only on start up, I will have to check data for the cold pressure, hot is around 70-80 psi.
    BAE 6 heads, 24 deg timing at idle.
    I have two engines that it has happened to. This engine is fresh with new internals.
    No filter into engine. only on return to tank. Filter is systems 1 and is in correct way.
    Pump was stripped and checked during rebuild, bypass was free.
    Thanks for your replies.
  6. z28a

    z28a Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    Im running system1 pump so im not familier to the P&P, But system 1 doesent have a bypass valve on the scavange pump, Do the P&P have that?

    Otherwise it could be cold oil in the filter on the return line, wich filter element do you have? there is a lot of different microns from system 1, have you checked the bypass in the filter?
  7. HootersFunnyCar

    Nov 27, 2003
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    What are you torquing the pump to the engine bolt to? Is this a new problem or has it been ever since you started using this pump? I have seen the pump sections become too tight when it is bolted together and cause the shaft to break.

    Try turning the pump with a speed handle when it is bolted to the engine and see if it turns freely.
  8. Joe Blo Speed Shop

    Joe Blo Speed Shop New Member

    Apr 3, 2015
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    There was no oil in the filter on start up, my filter does not have any bypasses in it. Have ran this filter for years so element is fine, not sure of the microns. Oil didn't even get to the filter so I think its definitely not that.
    I have run KB and system 1 pumps and it never happened to these. Only with the P&P, The pump is still on the engine and mag drive out so I will check if its free tomorrow, The pump was not torqued, just done up tight.
    Thanks Joe
  9. Frank Kramer

    Frank Kramer New Member

    Sep 28, 2009
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    Check the scavange hoses. Maybe one of them is collapsing.
  10. john348

    john348 Top Alcohol

    May 29, 2003
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    First thing i would do is take the pump off and send it to RCD and have them check it for flatness or binding
    possible pin coming out of the rotor/s
    have them bless it
    i have never seen a drive twist or shear unless the pump has crap in it to lock the rotors
    second put a scavage filter between the pump and pan to catch the metal before it hits the pump
    peterson makes a nice filter RBS has some cone filters that go into the scavage line too
    got to stop the junk from getting into the pump
  11. KJC

    KJC Authorized Merchant

    Dec 4, 2003
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    I have oil pump shafts for sale. some of the p&p pump you have to check the clearance between the pump and shaft.
    Kevin 602-918-4945

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