Bruno/Lenco rear trans mounts

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by mogenss, Jan 6, 2015.

  1. mogenss

    mogenss Member

    Feb 4, 2012
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    I have a 3 spd lenco and bruno mounted on a trick tit can. The combo has been run before without any support on the lenco. My question is: what will you guys recommend ? run it like it is or fabricate a rear trans mount on the lenco.

    I am worried that the long lenco/bruno will hurt the flange on the bell housing.

    Thanks ITA
  2. Cdn526

    Cdn526 Member

    Dec 12, 2006
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    trans mount

    I do run a similar set-up for the past seven years in my blown brad top dragster, but instead of a can I have the Bruno bell housing, bolting direct to the engine plate, and yes, with the whole Bruno & a 3 spd lenco hanging off of them few bolts, I was concerned.
    Co all I did was build a vertical support that goes from the lower car frame crossmember (just under the back of the reverser) to the reverser, attached to a circular plate I built that goes on to the rear bolt pattern of the reverser itself.
    This vertical support is .750 CM tube w/ 3/8" heim ends on it.
    This also ensures that my final drive coupler to the diff stays lined up perfectly.
    shoot me a pm w/ your email & I can send you a pic.
  3. 23T Hemmee

    23T Hemmee Member

    Jul 10, 2007
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    A Bruno Bell housing "will" eventually crack with a three-speed Lenco behind it that isn't supported. Crack will start in the starter pocket recess where it is thinner than the surrounding area. Don't ask me how I know..... :( :( :(

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