Anyone on here near Mission, TX?

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Soldierboy0098, Dec 27, 2014.

  1. Soldierboy0098

    Soldierboy0098 Active Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    Is there anyone on here near Mission, TX?

    if so please call me at 727-364-4368

    Trevor Sherwood
  2. TADHemiracer

    TADHemiracer Member

    Dec 9, 2010
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    Near Mission, Texas

    What are you needing? An inspection, pick up or delivery or a mafia hit or??? JK!!! I am about 6 hours or more away but that is pretty sketchy territory down near the border.
  3. Soldierboy0098

    Soldierboy0098 Active Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    Hi, there is a guy there selling a car that a friend of mine is interested in but were in Florida and If someone was closer it would be much easier just to pay them gas money to make a short trip in order to be sure its not a rotted out incomplete mess. Its a real 69 Charger Not a race car. The guy is yet to call me back though so it may be a bad deal.

    Yeah Will Hanna told me to bring all my old Army gear, trying to trade my fc right now for an M1117 Armored Security Vehicle for the

    Its about an 18 hr drive for us and no airport right there that I know of so the guy would have to meet us at the airport. I just don;t want to make that big of trip just to be stood up or find out the car is a pile.

    If you know someone near that area or will be going by there please let me know.

    Trevor Sherwood

  4. TADHemiracer

    TADHemiracer Member

    Dec 9, 2010
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    69 Charger

    It may be the real deal or it may be another scam. That close to the border, I would not put it past people to knock you in the head and rob you. Not being dramatic but that is the reality just as it is anytime a person is tempted to buy something they have not actually seen with their own eyes and especially if the buyer is bringing cash. I do not know of anyone personally that is in that area but if I were you, I would ask for the address where the car is located and at least call the city police or county sheriff and ask questions. Maybe even ask if they can check this car out to make sure it is not stolen. That might get the sheriff to see the car in person. I know for a fact that I would NOT send money OR take cash unless the guy sends me pictures of the car, pictures of the title and some info on him. If he balks at that, walk away and keep your money.
    Just MHO
  5. Soldierboy0098

    Soldierboy0098 Active Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    He still has not called me back so I am not sure what is going on, if you google that number it shows there website which is not great but it has that car on the background but if he doesn't call me back it won't matter.

    I may take your advice too with the sheriff.

    Trevor Sherwood


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