how often to change the oil?

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by CjRedden, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. CjRedden

    CjRedden Member

    Jan 16, 2010
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    So I have been running my oil one time to the track. Whether I make 1 run or 5. 526 bbc 14-71 top sportsman car. I have a hamburger 10 qt pan which I run 12 quarts since the oil pressure has been low. Bearings have looked good in the past but I plan on getting a bigger better oil pan and pump after this season.

    I run brad penn 70w and do not recycle it either. My question is. Usually I wait to get to the track and warmup to set timing check trans fluid level etc. I wanna check a few things at home this week before racing next weekend. If I run it at idle at home for a short time, will that contaminate it enough where I should change it? Not change it? Try and boil out any alcohol? Whats your opinions?
  2. Comax Racing

    Comax Racing Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    I used to change oil every weekend but have been trying the boiling trick. I can get 3 weekends out of it, but you have to filter when it goes back in.

    My opinion
  3. hotrod796

    hotrod796 New Member

    Jun 29, 2007
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    Remove contaminants and have analyzed

    You can remove the alcohol either by boiling or letting it evaporate without heat. A temp of just over 100 degrees is more than enough to get the methanol out. Too much heat will break down your oil and additive package even more. I bought a used 55 gallon drum, cut it in half and welded a faucet from Home Depot a couple inches up from the bottom.

    I don't filter mine going back into the jugs because a lot of the contaminants settle to the bottom of my barrel.

    I also have mine analyzed a couple times throughout the year. This will give you a good idea of how broken down the oil and additive package is and how much contamination it has. It can also give you an idea if you have bearings starting to go. This is not as helpful for these motors since the bearings tend to go catastrophically. I have kits available or you can do an internet search for oil analysis.

    We run 14 quarts and drain it each time, mostly to pull heat out of the engine. I used the same 15 gallons for 35-40 runs last year. I bought a 55 gallon drum of Lucas 50 Plus this year that should last 2 blown hemis through next season.

  4. hotrod200

    hotrod200 Member

    Mar 30, 2011
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    I have a blown small block and i am setting out to start racing it next month. But with the few start ups and messing around at the shop I have had, I plan to change it every pass as after 4 starts or so it looks very caramel like.
    I have had some Luck re-using the oil just by letting it sit for about four weeks. I have clear 20 liter containers with a tap on it about three inches up and all the crap seems to settle on the bottom and the oil look good as new.
  5. Andy C

    Andy C Member

    Mar 25, 2006
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    use Brad pen (green oil)= Problem solved

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