Finally Some Good New (and a question about blower belt life)

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Scotttrod, Jun 22, 2014.

  1. Scotttrod

    Scotttrod Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    Finally Some Good News (and a question about blower belt life)

    We went to the track yesterday, things went well. 26 degrees of timing all in at 1.5 seconds, 10.4 to one compression (really, poured it this time), new rage fuel pump (what a difference, same tune and GPM to what I had with an Enderle flowed pump by Enderle, and not even starting to burn the cad now) and made it down the track three times without big issues or blow ups.......

    Going to pull the motor down to look and make sure everything is happy and the rod bearings are happy with the timing. Not sure whether add more or stay at 26.

    I owe a big thanks to everyone here for the advice and help with parts.

    Now for the blower belt question...... Since I'm not popping the C-rotor off the top of the motor now and dragging the belt down the track, what should I look for for wear on 11mm/84wide PS belts

    Thanks again, going to do some more research on timing through the threads already here the heads are Veney fuel with MSD 44, I know there has been a large amount of discussion back and forth with the Mallory mags and losing timing under load vs the 44 box compensating..... Want to to the most timing in for power without beating up bearings
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2014
  2. rb0804

    rb0804 Active Member

    Aug 7, 2010
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    The 11mm 84 wide ps is one tough son of a gun. We ran one for a lot of runs, stuck an idler pulley and then had mini snout problems, which shredded the belt, but it was still connected to both the blower and the crank pulley. If all looks good on the plugs AND the bearings, crank a 1/2 of degree into it at a time and keep an eye on the plugs and the bearings while comparing them to how the car runs. If it's good and takes another two degrees and then you add another 1/2 and the MPH starts to drop or the plugs or the bearings start to look sketchy, you know you went too far and to back it up a little bit. Out of curiosity, what do the egts look like at 26*?
  3. Scotttrod

    Scotttrod Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    I am old school and on the limit of spending with the wife

    Still fat, the plugs haven't even started burning cad. I don't have any real data-logging now, just a Power Grid that is set up to record a few things, but having a terrible time getting data where I can see it (certainly operator error)

    The car sounded really mean at 32 degrees and an accidental 14.2 to on compression. 6 of the 8 rod bearings didn't have any crush (the other two departed the left side of the block

    The first video is 32 degrees with about 15 out and ramped in by 1.5 seconds, and my mistaken rod purchase (all my error). The second is 26, with 10 out.
  4. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    you never said if you use a Two Step or not. Without a Two Step I change the belt after 14 runs. With a Two Step you might get three runs out of it. A lot depends if you are in Qualifications or Eliminations on how far you want to push it. So much depends on how well adjusted the belt is. A screw blower belt is adjusted a lot tighter that a Roots blower belt. I only adjust after warmup and after the motor has heat soaked for five to ten minutes then adjust it so the long unsupported side on the drivers side will deflect about a half inch in the middle just using my thumb and pushing as hard as I can.
  5. Scotttrod

    Scotttrod Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    Air throttle and two step

    Right now I have air throttle and two step. The blades are a hair less than 1/4 inch open and the motor is barely up on the limiter.

    4.301 bore, 4.5 stroke, 10.4 to 1, C rotor, 2.20 over pulleys will fit for sure, 2.29 might fit, will find that out this week.

    Going over the videos and reading your timing/mixture instructions (Sparkplug Reading Guide For Blown Alcohol Motors) I am wondering if I need to get my max overdrive set, then work fuel, then sneak up on the timing. It is a low RPM fuel headed motor, I've gotten guidance from 26 to 32 degrees.
  6. promodracer

    promodracer Member

    Jan 8, 2008
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    ggod news

    good job Scott glad to see things are coming together for you.
  7. overkill69

    overkill69 Member

    May 17, 2005
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    the bae alcohol heads run 25+ degrees so you should be safe.
    The car shouldn't take full timing until 1.5-2.5 seconds into the run so there is a ton of et to gain before you need start pushing it.
    Stick to your plan and get other stuff right first and have fun.

    Glad to see it coming together.
  8. Scotttrod

    Scotttrod Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    Doesn't sound like a 70 pickup truck any more

    Went over the motor from top to bottom, everything was extremely happy. Was able to fit pulleys for 129 over (barely) and I think I have all the pieces to start sneaking up on the timing and tune. Set the timing to 31 for he video, sounds much better than before. After running the motor, backed it down to 30 for the next trip out. Next event will be August 18th with work schedule and other interests (Alaska fishing trip for Halibut).

    Thanks for all the help and advice!!
  9. Soldierboy0098

    Soldierboy0098 Active Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    Congrats Scott

    Congrats Scott, glad to hear all worked out and now your hauling ass.

    Fuel pump cavitation is a killer, and should be stopped... :) Rage pumps rock!

    Trevor Sherwood


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