Lencodrive questions

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by JP1GAZ, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. JP1GAZ

    JP1GAZ New Member

    Mar 1, 2009
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    i have a three speed lencodrive, there is a bracket underneath with two holes and a bracket on the car that corasponds the two holes, Q do i bolt this down or do i use it as a location use studs to eliminate side movement? I dont want to smash the bellhousing, Q the transbrake i know is to stop the gearbox turning during changes to forward and reverse but is it used as a normal teansbrake for launch? and last one, can i remove the gearbox from the bell housing leaving the torque converter still in place on the flywheel or do i remove the lot just like a normal auto, Thanks
  2. 23T Hemmee

    23T Hemmee Member

    Jul 10, 2007
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    Not sure I understand what you're asking on Q1, the two holes on the Lenco are intended as tranny mounts, some bolt directly and some use a tube/slider arrangement, so they can move engine/tranny forward or back, easier described with a picture, unfortunately don't have one. Q2, yes the transbrake is used for both, reverser and launch. Q3, yes you can remove the tranny from the bellhousing and leave the convertor in place, but getting it to re-align with the pump tangs when putting back together is a crap shoot, not totally impossible but almost. Wish it was easier, getting to convertor bolts with a motorplate is PITA, at least on my car.

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