Mickey Thompson tires on a dragster.

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by talbot35, Sep 15, 2013.

  1. talbot35

    talbot35 Member

    Oct 9, 2009
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    Does any body no about MT tires on a fat head roots lencodrive front motor dragster with any success.
    Around 2500 to 2800hp

    Was looking at using a #30791
    105" rollout.
    M8 compond.
    33.6 high.
    18.1 sec width.

    Looking at these as the hight and sec width would work well.
    Just not sure about the stiff side wall. With a Lenco drive.
    Open to any suggestions about other brands and if these will do the job.

    We always run on marginal tracks here in melbourne Australia.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2013
  2. Topdragster719r

    Topdragster719r New Member

    Mar 28, 2014
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    for what Ive seen, most guys are running hoosiers or goodyears with maybe one guy running m/t's. My experience with m/t's wasnt good, every tweak we made resulted in tire shake. It just seemed like the tire was meant for a doorcar or nitrious car which is what i thought m/t's were best for regardless if the tire was made for dragsters. might work for a super comp car, but when was the last time you seen a top alcohol car run m/t? roll that one around
  3. Soldierboy0098

    Soldierboy0098 Active Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    Jody Stroud likes the Mickey's and has run 3.60's in the 1/8th with a roots blown auto dragster.

    I prefer the Hoosiers, when I did my research (granted this was years ago) the Hoosiers performed better but the good years were a smoother ride was what everyone told me. I know Goodyear has made some new materials since then and they may have improved.

    I did see Sheldon Bissessor go out with a new set of MT's and when he got back to the pits they had cups missing out of them, he put his used Hoosiers back on and went off an set the record. MT may have fixed his by now or it could have just been the luck of a bad batch or something.

    Hope this helps,
    Trevor Sherwood
  4. a/fd slngsht

    a/fd slngsht Member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Front motor dragsters like stiff side wall tires!!! I feel these are a little big for a Fed.... Im a fan of the Goodyear 1984... I always wanted to try a 10.5w 31.5 m/t though... Just my opinion mixed with some experience... Good luck my friend. Mike

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