tire shake with beadlocks

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Bill Naves, Apr 4, 2004.

  1. Bill Naves

    Bill Naves Member

    Jun 25, 2003
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    just wondering, what is a good starting point combination for changing to beadlocks. I'm hearing 6psi and 2 additional grams on 3 fingers. first time out, with this change gave terrible 2nd gear shake. It's a match race deal usually runs 4.0 1/8 mile. AFT w/10.7 discs. I'd really appreciate some ideas that will save me $$ on aborted runs and asprin!
  2. M Tigges

    M Tigges TAFC

    Jun 11, 2003
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    TAKE them off!!.they spin real easy early then its hard to make enough power to keep them spinning down track
  3. d johnson

    d johnson Top Alcohol

    Jun 18, 2003
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    if it was me and this is my own opinion i would put some fuel in it or knock some clutch out, beed looks will work but it take a little learning curve thats jusy my odinion good luck
  4. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    take the shakelocks off. i dont know what kind of liner wheels you had, but on most of them you can convert them to the dual valve stem deal and run the hoosier tube and liner. most of the older weld liner wheels will not accept this change.

    you have such a narrow window with the beadlocks, if you miss, it will shake your brains out. personally on the dragster its been my observation that the beadlocks hook harder, causing the shake problems. it all depends on your car.
  5. cnitrofumes

    cnitrofumes Member

    Jan 30, 2004
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    Hey DJ ... now we all know your secrets. I'm headed out to the shop to poke some fuel to her right now!!! Seriously, I think your right on the money !!!
  6. youngtuner

    youngtuner Member

    Mar 24, 2004
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    Bill, I like beedlocks unlike many of my racing siblings. My car runs like shit with out them i feel my tune up is based around the fact that i can make them work. Fuel is a good place to start but gearing also has something to do with it you are going to need to match the clutch to those two contributers so first that information needs to be told before a general clutch answer can be told. With beedlocks i came to find track temp matters a lot on tire pressure. Feel free to give me a call and we can discuss somethings if you like.

    Mtigges getting the info on those heads for you should have an answer in the next few days. Hows the trailor treating you and dad. Tell everyone Dad Clare and the dog i said hi. Hope to see you soon.
  7. Bill Naves

    Bill Naves Member

    Jun 25, 2003
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    OK Jon. I run 4.30 rear and 1.98 low. I'm using the same basic fuel system we used with your Olds. 1200 pump and 13.5 gpm@8000. the AFT is 11" w/10.7 discs 1 1/2 static and 18 on the fingers 312 down ,give or take,4 year old late style Littlefield 55 over. and 38 in the mallory 3..it runs bracket style 4.06-4.15 on any givin' weekend any track in the south east.changed to beadlocks and goodyear 34.5 tires<same>at 6psi and shakes as soon as it hits 2nd. 2 passes broke rear housing tabs and a burst panel< may or may not be related> bearings were good no sign of being lean down there. OK now you know what I know.now dont tell me about MSD and PSI and1.72 low gear. I'm not going to run 5.660s..don't want to. I still have the voice of reason on my lap top says.."dont go any faster than your maintenance budget will allow ,,"PS..I like to make a profit!!,
  8. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    i still say why beat your head against the wall on the shakelocks...... :D :confused:
  9. T.Howell

    T.Howell Member

    May 21, 2003
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    Hi Bill, how have you been?
    C an't be of much help on the beadlocks on a FC,never tried them, but I have a couple of questions.
    Do you think it is knocking the tire loose at the shift? Or could it be running out of oats at the top of 1st?
    I have heard that the tires grow quite a bit more on beadlocks effectivly changing your final gear ratio. Anyone care to comment?

    Say hello to the wife and kids, and what's this shit about making a profit at racing, anyhow.
  10. Nathan Sitko - 625 TAD/TAFC

    Jun 24, 2003
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    I'm not sure if this is a possibility, but what kind of pump are you running? When we ran the enderle fuel pump it was giving us problems shaking for what appeared to be no good reason, and we suspected the pump, so we switched to a Waterman and it went away.

    A few years ago when we first started running Hoosier's on Beadlocks (on our TAD) we had a bunch of problems shaking and breaking the tires loose after punching 2nd gear, the car would just go straight sideways. I remember we were in Seattle for the national event and qualified with a 7.14 or something because we kept shaking the tires, yet all these other teams were running in the mid-5's. Took until the tires were dead to figure out the clutch for the new tire/wheel combo, but we did figure them out.
  11. Bill Naves

    Bill Naves Member

    Jun 25, 2003
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    Hi Tom, I can confidently say I doubt I overpower the tires, They're 10 runs old, had great 60 ft for me(990)the extra finger weight may have pulled me down more than I expected since I dont wind it up like you do.and I do still make money at this or I'm DONE!!check out www.southernfuelcoupes.com .we're having a ball down here. I'm back to low gear leaves , dry hops, wheelstands.. I'm having the time of my life and the fans love it!Divisionals can have all the 2 car shows they want.I'm making money and using 3 year old parts.It's like running for Nick in the 80's...Nathan;; I think the used up tire approach might be a good idea to find a base if I dont hit it next week.I'm gonna try driving through the clutch once if it doesn't rain.
  12. d johnson

    d johnson Top Alcohol

    Jun 18, 2003
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    hi bill. don johnson not moving yet but we got a new deal going on for 05 its outlawprocomp.com the web sit is up take a look. i started out running beed looks. tire shake all the time but we got it right 2end it take time the clutch set up chang is one. and the fuel is the other. if you are running a hight speed take it out for a pass. or back off the clutch.we hade a junk clutch ane we not get off the starting line but wen put the clutch in we went form 1.02 60 to .940 60 with the chang in the fuel. if you cant get up on the tire it will shake. good luck
  13. youngtuner

    youngtuner Member

    Mar 24, 2004
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    Bill You said it starts shacking at the shift into second gear? What is you Second gear ratio and what is your shift Rpm? Also how old are the tires? I have come to find that beedlocks aren't forgiving if the tires are old and have been sitting around. Are you Running Good years with a 430 gear? I have a set of hoosiers you might want to try. They are 114 tall your good years are probably 116 or 117there are a cople of things we can try to settle it down. Whats the average track temp you run on? and one last thing how much do your fingers themselves weigh?

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