MSD Mag Troubles

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by cnitrofumes, Jun 16, 2004.

  1. cnitrofumes

    cnitrofumes Member

    Jan 30, 2004
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    Does anybody know the truth behind an MSD 44 mag gone bad ?? We had problems typical of a "bad mag". Car sounds great on the stands but get it on the asphault under a load and all she does is pop and fart and throw raw fuel. MSD says "if it starts, its OK" but everybody you talk to that's had the same trouble says they sent their's back to MSD and it comes back with a "nothing wrong with it" answer but now mysteriously works !!!
    We checked all grounds, connections, plug wires, etc. I have a feeling we will get our " if it starts, it's ok mag" back working OK but i'm curious what actually goes bad and why it's such a secret.
  2. maxkakl

    maxkakl New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    is it a mag you have run before with no problems or it did it from the day one?
  3. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Send it to Lehey.
  4. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Here is what Mike Sharp at MSD answered to me when I gave hime a copy of the original post.

    Mike, I won't say that if it starts it's good. I have seen occasions where a coil, box or generator will have a problem that will simply cause low output but will indeed still run. If we test the mag we can find those problems without any trouble. I will say that I run into the same thing at the track all the time. As you are well aware I have tested a mag or two in the field in the heat of battle (or the heat of a high level race team's crew chief looking over my shoulder). They often test good and when the racer puts that piece back in the car it runs fine. ??? You got me, but I can promise you that I did no top secret repair while the team wasn't looking. I don't have time for games like that when I am at the race track. In fact the racer is often invited to watch us test his parts. We will explain what we are looking at and what our test procedures are. Here is what happens to parts returned to the factory for repair. When we find problems we charge good money to do the repairs. If the mag looks crusty and tired we will clean it up and put bearings in it even if it tests good. This simply insures better longevity. We never do repairs and then don't tell the customer so we can cover up some mysteries problem. Anybody caught doing that would be in deep &@#$. If we say there is nothing wrong with the mag we will send it back without doing anything to it. If the customer's car now runs just fine it is for a reason other than the ignition parts that we sent to him.

    Sorry guys, no top secret stuff here.
  5. cnitrofumes

    cnitrofumes Member

    Jan 30, 2004
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    Just got back from E-town and the MSD trailer. Mag, box and coil tested good on the bench. OK ,I know it's a bit different from being under the stress of a running KB but we hoped something would showup as being the cause. We took it back and stuck it in the trunk.
    Then we witnessed a TAD team we were helping start their car on the stands and while doing their normal checks the car shutoff clean. OK, check the air shutoff, check the wiring, etc. Restart, after 1 min. shuts off clean again. We decide to swap the brand new coil and points box for the old backup setup in the trailer. Fire the car, runs and keeps running. Owner asks us to take the new box and coil over to MSD. Both pieces test good on the bench with one of their mags. While there 2 other teams bring in their 44's with misfire problems.
    I dont know if there is a common problem causing this. One suggestion does keep popping up.. "send it to Lahey, he will fix it"
    I'm not suggesting MSD makes a bad product or doesnt service what they sell but we need to get it fixed. We'll probably mail it to Lahey.
  6. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Smart move.
  7. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    So if I understand correctly we are talking about two different cars and two different systems. Did anyone take the mag system that was shutting off after one minute to the MSD trailer and get it checked? If so what was found out? Your mag was a known good mag which was just tested and it worked OK on that car, right?

    Do you know what the results of MSD testing the two teams you met in the trailer with a misfire problem?

    Don't get me wrong here and misunderstand what I am asking. It just seems like we have a lot of unknowns. The only known so far in your posts is your system which had been tested.
  8. cnitrofumes

    cnitrofumes Member

    Jan 30, 2004
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    "Our" mag was the one that sounded good in the pits but as soon as we tryed to do a burnout popped, farted, and died. The fuel system and all the wiring was given the twice over. The car sounded great on the stands but wouldnt run under a load. We didnt take our car to E-town, just the mag. MSD ran it up and didnt find anything wrong. We have used this mag for years without a problem. The problem started last season after we kicked the rods in Fla. The ONLY thing in common with our old motor setup is the mag, EVERYTHING else is different. MSD checked our mag phasing and said it was fine.
    The box that shutoff on the stands belonged to another team. We took it over to MSD and they tested it and said it was good.
    Horner brothers had backfire problems with their 44 and it was my understanding that MSD found nothing wrong with it.
    I cant speak for the other teams but I know we have checked our car and everything points towards an ignition problem. The car is not lean by any means it just doesnt want to stay lit under a load. We use a gear to gear offset mag drive which we also checked for problems with no luck. MSD suggested something else in the car is causing a shift in timing. Timing stays steady in the pits, I cant say for sure what it does in a burnout, the track manager wont let me lay on the ground with a timing light in the water box. LOL
  9. Funnycarbob

    Funnycarbob Top Dragster

    May 14, 2003
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    We had a problem with the tach that cost us a bunch of time to get right. How about the wires? The more load the more the voltage will try to find the easyest ground, we found this out at a night gig when we found a spark jump from the boot to the plug tube.
  10. Nathan Sitko - 625 TAD/TAFC

    Jun 24, 2003
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    is there any keys in you mag drive that could be sheared, or did you have it completely apart? We had a situation last year where the timing was jumping around like mad and finally found that the drive was slipping due to a sheared key after we had blown up the motor the last time out.
  11. cnitrofumes

    cnitrofumes Member

    Jan 30, 2004
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    We're still checkin'... Lahey suggested plug wires also. They were new last season but who knows..they "ohm" good and fit tight to the plug but we may buy a backup set to try.
    The mag drive may have issues but I would imagine with a sheared key it would slip towards a bad timing number and stay there or get worse with each touch of the throttle. The car idled and even revved clean on the stands before and after both attempted passes. We'll check it just the same. New cap and rotor just arrived too. We dont want to change everything at once... we really would like to find the actual cause.
  12. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    I am still waiting on a another reply from my inside MSD contact. I think he is recovering from Englishtown. One thing he has told me is that the coil wire needs to be changed on a pretty regular basis because it is used eight times as much as a single plug wire. The coild wire is used everytime a plug fires so it breaks down faster that the plug wires. He kinda indicated that changing it every three of four races is a good idea. That would be a lot cheaper than a whole set of plug wires.

    DUCTMAN New Member

    Sep 24, 2003
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    Have you checked your kill switch? May be shorting out inside during the burnout or something.
  14. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    here's a little story...

    it was mid year 2002. showed up to etown, killer air, the car barely runs .40's with its neck rung out. we blamed not getting after it enough, killer track, etc...(Note these are symptoms of ignition trouble).

    go to the next race, getting after it, still not running as well as it should (bristol). marty thacker is wearing our ass out, we decide the car is too heavy. take 55 lbs off it between bristol and atlanta (haase' carbon wing, re-plumb, etc.)

    show up to atlanta, car won't get out of it's own way, won't even run 250 mph. mag was sent out to msd, they said it was fine. thacker loads us up pretty easily in r1.

    send it off to msd again. its great! drazy tells me to send it to leahy, he says it's fine. go to no problem raceway. first run out of the box, its a turd, won't run 245 mph. one tell tale sign was we were noticing a flickering shift light and spiking on the rpm graph. two different circuits. so we put a brand new box in and a brand new chip in. absolutely no changes, same tune up, bam 5.55, no. 2 qualifier.

    alan bradshaw and others had the same problems. change the control box, bam, run good again.

    the moral of the story is the conditions these components are raced in are so extreme, they are very difficult to duplicate in test settings. if the car all of a sudden just doesn't seem to have the ass it used to, put a new box and coil on it regardless of what anyone says and see if that does something. if the problem persists, you just saved the money of sending it off, if it fixes it, you just saved alot more time and headache.

    however, i do highly recommend dave leahy. his test procedures are far better than msd's. (talk to norm drazy, he'll give you the in depth reason why it's better [​IMG] ).

    hope this helps.
  15. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    This is from MSD. One thing MSD recommend to a lot of these guys who have strange problems with their Mags. Before they start shipping parts back and forth to us or Leahy they should just throw a set of plug wires at it. These mags are very tough on spark plug wires and can break down the secondary insulation rather quickly. An alcohol car is worse than a fuel car in this regard due to higher boost, higher compression ratios and low timing numbers. Cylinder pressure is pretty phenomenal at the time of ignition and drives voltages considerably higher than on a fuel car. Testing for continuity is really the only way to test for bad wire. If the continuity is bad it means you have a bad wire for sure. The problem is that if the continuity is good it doesn't mean the wire is good. It could still be leaking voltage. This is the area I find most of the mystery ignition problems.
  16. cnitrofumes

    cnitrofumes Member

    Jan 30, 2004
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    Mag is on the way to Lahey, new cap, rotor and coil are here, probably a set of wires even though the others "test" fine. We are not the type to throw lots of new parts around in order to fix a problem by luck. I heard Lahey usually ends up fixing some loose solder connections. Not suprising the shaking these things endure. The MSD 44 is still the king of the mags but I like my own old match race motor with my hopped up super mag 3, one problem in 3 years fixed by a new set of points. Too bad a SuperMag wont keep a high comp., high boost alcohol motor happy...I would gladly buy a case of points !!
  17. d johnson

    d johnson Top Alcohol

    Jun 18, 2003
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    talk more about the MSD 44 mag need more input
  18. tmfc274

    tmfc274 super comp

    Jun 3, 2003
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    hi all.
    had a problem last weekend racing with my ignition ( tafc,psi, msd 44).
    its fine on the stands ,in the burnout.
    good hard launch.
    but as soon as it gets too around 7000rpm the whole system just shuts down.
    when the rpm goes under 7000rpm again she fires up.
    have a 9500rpm limiter chip in the box.
    does anyone know what ohms reading i should get across the chip.
    thanks for any reply,s in advance.

    [ June 28, 2004, 03:38 AM: Message edited by: cliff ]
  19. Les Mellows

    Les Mellows New Member

    Jul 18, 2003
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    If you are using a crank trigger check the hub magnets and the distance and " type of pick up " . Use Leahy pick up at .035 - .050 gap max .
    We have had your symptoms appear when the hub magnets were wrong (weak-for another application/racepak timing)USE AN RCD OR EQUIVALENT HUB.

    [ June 28, 2004, 12:05 PM: Message edited by: Les Mellows ]
  20. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    changing ignition systems when you have a problem isn't 'throwing parts at it and hoping to fix it by luck.' when you have an ignition related problem, thats the first thing you need to do. at least change the points box and coil. spare ignition components are some of the very necessary components you need to carry. every team has a different number on what it costs them per run, and then if you're trying to win a race, you really can't afford to throw away runs. taking the 'we're going to change just this one part and see if that fixes it' approach 9 times out of 10 will cost you more money than just changing the ignition parts out right when you suspect a problem. its the same thing you're going to have to do to fix it anyway. send the suspect parts to leahy to get checked out and make them your spares when they get back.

    of course you always want to check the obvious - grounds, bad wires, etc. one effective strategy i've seen on many good cars is multiple grounds. that way on ignition components if one wire goes bad, breaks, etc, you still have ground...

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