How important is fuel volume at stage rpm???

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Big Russ, May 23, 2005.

  1. Big Russ

    Big Russ Member

    Apr 27, 2005
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    Hi All

    I've been fooling around with my barrel valve and trying to figure out a few things. I've noticed that the spool sets not only my idle mixture but also my stage mixture as well. I also noticed that some PSI setups run a separate idle circuit so they can idle with the spool shut. Obviously this lets the tuner set the spool position for exactly the stage volume they want.

    The big question is "How important is stage fuel volume?" especially on a rootes hi helix setup.

    I'm currently running a square type enderle barrel valve for alcohol and I'm wondering if its to blame for engine laziness in the first 60'.

    Appreciate the help

    Big Russ
  2. Leon

    Leon New Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    I think its very important to have the correct "stage egts". If it is loading up with fuel,everything goes cold and is very hard to recover from as it tends to gets worse when the loud pedal is pushed even tho it now has a load on it as now more fuel is introduced. Also if it has a converter or a clutch makes a difference as to how the engine will be loaded. Dont know what the psi guys have for temps at stage,as those mixers boost a lot lower than a roots,but Im shooting for around 750 to 800 deg so that the engine will have a fighting chance.Plus i believe they have enrichment valves more than leaning valves.
  3. Bob Meyer

    Bob Meyer Comp Eliminator

    May 13, 2003
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    Russ; it can be very important.
    "Once apon a time", the leak tester got dropped and we didn't know. It turned out it was 8% off from our normal. Not understanding why the leak changed, we reset it. Burned the thing big time at the high gear shift (top in OZ speak). Chased our tails big time until I got the tester certified.
    End result, shoot for 550-650 at stage. 800 made it leave like a scalded cat, then shake it's brains out, as it got too hot to quick.
  4. Leon

    Leon New Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    Bob,how long was it staged to get too hot?Was it with a bae head? How big a pump? Just wondering as i think it would matter how the heads would flow and if its a large pump that would tend to cool it off quickly.Of course depending on the loop,etc,etc.

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