Boost reading with a RPM Performance data logger

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Ralph, Dec 14, 2013.

  1. Ralph

    Ralph New Member

    Dec 14, 2013
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    We have bought a second hand TA/FC.
    It has a 91.4% over PSI on a 526 BAE and a RPM Performance data logger.

    We fired it up for the first time with the data logger recording.
    The Boost reading stays at 12.37.
    What reading should we expect to see, with no load?
    Can we test the sensor?
  2. Ro Yale

    Ro Yale Member

    May 5, 2006
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    call Randy at rpm wekkend, day or nite, he will gladly walk you through anything concerning his computer. Just my experience.
  3. Soldierboy0098

    Soldierboy0098 Active Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    RPM data logger

    You can adjust the calibrations fairly easily if needed.
    Randy can walk you through it but you will need to put air (100 psi I think) through the censor while looking at the live data section. Copy the voltage number and put it in the corresponding calibration section for the high point (should say something like 0=xxxxxx / 100 = (insert voltage number). Sounds harder than it really is, should take 10 minutes or less if you have your air compressor set up and have the sensor rigged up to the air compressor when you call. To check which channel number you are working on if they are not marked (boost, Oil, ect..) I blow air through the boost sensor then unplug the sensor while looking at the live data and whichever one stops showing a number or flat lines is the boost channel.

    Not sure what the normal reading for a screw at idle is.

    Hope this helps some,
    Trevor Sherwood

  4. ozrace

    ozrace New Member

    Dec 8, 2012
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    An engine idles as a result of restricted air supply (vacuum).. any time it has boost it will rev,
    so there should be no boost reading at idle.
    As others have pointed out.. it should just need a calibration.

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