what is everyone's opinion on the lencodrive?

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by kylewurtzel, Mar 8, 2005.

  1. kylewurtzel

    kylewurtzel TA/FC

    Feb 8, 2005
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    I just bought Jason Ruperts old car and am looking at all the set up options. What is your guys opinion on the lencodrive, advantage and disadvantages compared to lenco with a clutch?

    Thanks for all the help.

  2. Maynard

    Maynard none

    May 18, 2004
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    Go for it. Gets you away from those expensive, pesky clutches.
  3. Look At it from both sides of the fence
    You'll pay the big amount up front and save down the line, And just about zero maintenence.
    Costs less but, you need to have plenty of floaters, and disks. Then you'll need a $5000.00 clutch machine to grind them.(more crap in the trailer) then How about all that lovely clutch dust getting in your face between rounds when your'e changing those HOTTTTT mother f'ers. Then put it all back together (breathe in some more clutch dust), zero it out, adjust your pack clearence, (breathe in some more clutch dust), Grab the can and hope its cool by now (Yea Right) put it on, bolt up the lenco, hook up the coupler, don't forget to tighten the clamp, put your tin back on and be on your merry way, then do it all over again for the next round. There's a few other things in there as well to do but you get the drift. Don't get me wrong I hear guys just zero them out between rounds But you still have to do these things eventually.

    So tell me whats Easier????
    That's alot of time you can use to do the other hunderd things to be done between rounds.(I should be a sales man for the lencodrive)
    Good luck with everything
    Go with the lenco drive!!!!
  4. ttutubono

    ttutubono Guest

    Back in the 60`s B&M came out with a fluid drive for top fuel cars, it purported to replace the slipper clutch, It didn`t work, If you have the crew to change the clutch parts between rounds, then go with the clutch, look at who`s running the clutch and who`s running the lencodrive, then you can see if it`s all that it`s cracked up to be by the guys that have one, why aren't Manzo, Wells, and all the other top runners using the lencodrive???? you think maybe it hasen`t proved itself yet, alky racing is a full time job, you have to be devoted to it, and not worry about how long some thing takes, it`s part of the deal you either got it or you don`t, on the other hand if you just want to get your feet wet, and don`t have the HELP, then go with the lencodrive, you can be one of the guys that proves it works and not get paid for it. Gene Terenzio Sr. By the way thats my nickels worth

    [ March 09, 2005, 06:10 PM: Message edited by: ttutubono ]
  5. rev it up

    rev it up Guest

    PLEASE READ THIS FIRST AND I BETTER NOT GET BANNED FOR HAVING A OPEN CHAT!!!!! All kidding aside maybe guys like manzo and wells are not running a lenco drive due to the fact that they never needed it and wanna stick with what they have,, their are some people who do not belive in things like a microwave,or cable tv,etc,,, but if their is something that seems like it is more practicle then why not go with it???I also remeber their was a time when a couple of you older dogs didn't wanna to learn the computer and at some point looked at your self as being stuck in the era you lived in,, until you sat down and figured out a couple of things on the computer, now you love it and can't live with out it!!!!! do not knock something if you have never owned and operated one yourself,,,,their might be a truth to that old saying about teaching old dogs news tricks!!!!!
  6. .................2005..............
    "welcome to the next generation"
    "Don't be affraid of change"
    "Change is good"
    The rebuttle is
    Mick snyder

    Did you guys hear the latest news
    !!!They landed on the moon!!!!
  7. Slayer

    Slayer Member

    Jan 20, 2005
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    There are a few things to consider. First, what are you going to do with the car and how fast do you want to go? Typicaly any of the drive units out there(lenco drive, Bruno, or Donovan)are a few hundredths slower than a clutch. You will have a little more trouble finding the right gear combo because of the torque multiplication of the coverter. But the big advantage is like Gene said, a lot less maintenence between rounds. Just through a leaf blower on it to cool it down between rounds. I'm currently doing the same thing you are with a Bruno and cs2. Good luck.
  8. ttutubono

    ttutubono Guest

    I have alway said that if you want to beat one of the big dogs, you can`t have the same parts that he has, simply because they have more seat time, you have to come up with something that they don`t have, or ALREADY tried, the lencodrive has been tested by the best, and they are not using it.
  9. altered 1

    altered 1 blown altered

    Feb 8, 2005
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    Had one for 3 years and love it. Run it, Cool it, and Run it again.
  10. kylewurtzel

    kylewurtzel TA/FC

    Feb 8, 2005
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    do you have to worry about "tunning" for the lack of a better word or having several different converters to change from track to track because conditions are different?

    Hopefully this makes sense.

    I am wanting to run IHRA and probably organizations like WAR and UDRA
  11. ttutubono

    ttutubono Guest

    Kyle, If you were to have said that in the first place,( ihra instead of nhra) :confused: , i would have said to go with a crowerglide, i can tell you how to fix the fingers so it works better or as good as a peddle clutch, with out all the shock on the drive train, E mail me if you want another option. Gene Terenzio Sr. =ttotobono@msn.com :D

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