forged vs. billet crank

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by bruce mullins, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. bruce mullins

    bruce mullins Top Dragster

    Aug 2, 2003
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    years ago with roots blowers we (I) always ran forged cranks without problems...57 over on a roots and ran countless 6.0's to 5.80's with funny car.... then went to a screw and was told you must run a billet... well i am back with a roots but in a pro mod... can I go back to a forged? 4.5 stroke with a highly modified roots.. turning the motor 9200 at shift
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2013
  2. Jason Bunker

    Jason Bunker Member

    May 3, 2010
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    We run a billet now and used to run a billet with the roots as well.

    I think you would be good with a forged crank personally. I know alot of teams that run forged with either combo and have seen good longevity.
  3. TOL

    TOL Active Member

    May 18, 2005
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    Are you trying to decide whether to run cranks that you already have, or are you needing new cranks? If the later is the case then your best bet would be to call either Bryant or Winberg and just ask them for the best possible EN30B crank that they make, and they'll take care of all the rest of the details from there. If you do, the crank will wind up being about the last thing on your list of things to worry about.
  4. bruce mullins

    bruce mullins Top Dragster

    Aug 2, 2003
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    i am just thinking about my options for this winter because it will be time for a new crank.
  5. overkill69

    overkill69 Member

    May 17, 2005
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    On paper forged rods and cranks should be the most popular but they are not. some of the issues are big hassles with foundrys forging the material.
    I bought a hemi last winter and the only guys I could find endorsing forged shafts were doing it as a cost saving setup. They would cycle them out before they cracked.
    The fastest guys I know all run billet and several run them until they crack which is over 100 laps in a DRL car.
    The 4.5 stroke will be highly loaded compared to a typical 4.15 stroke screw combo.
    I've run both and other than comsmetics a bryant billet seems to twist less judging by bearing wear.

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