Brainern Nat'l A/Fuel Win

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Cdn526, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. Cdn526

    Cdn526 Member

    Dec 12, 2006
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    This past weekend’s success at the Brainerd National confirms how I’ve felt all along; it’s all about people.

    People I’ve worked with in building the parts & components we need to race (Mike @ Rage Pumps , John @ Bullet Cams, Sebastian @ JE, Robert Rheel, JR @ RBS, Roger @ Crower, Jeremy @ BAE, Rob Moore, Mike Magiera, Todd Paton, Dave Leahy, Mark @ Goodyear, Noel Manton, Bob Automan, Joe Monden, and the list goes on).
    They have all taken some extra time & effort in helping with advice.

    People that have helped in setting up & teaching me how to understand & tune this part-eating, pension-depleting, nitro-swallowing monster: Doug Doucette, Ken Murray, Les Davenport, and (on-going) Larry Miersch.

    Fellow racers that I have befriended over the years, that not only have offered: help / parts / tools, but have proven time & time again that this sport & class is full of genuine great people.
    The list is long, but you know who you all are, and I thank you dearly.
    A special thanks to the Doucette crew, Dean Dubbin, Leon & David Oenes, Randy Meyer, Randy & Jared Dreher, Richard & Shirley Putz, Dave Hirata, Ron & Shawn Cowie, & Greg Hunter.

    The people behind the ProSportsman Association, driven to give all of us a 'place to race'.
    The bunch here at ITA, a great media for alky class parts & info.

    Fellow Manitoba racers and 'BULL' followers that have supported us throughout.

    And our crew.
    Especially our crew.
    Endless hours, tons of sacrificed work & family time. And so devoted to working with each other to make this car succeed.
    Robert Schultz, John Vermeer, Todd Bruce, Grant Pozernick, & Paul Gagnon; and several others who pitch in on our Tuesday ‘race shop night’, and have filled in at the occasional race: Jimmy, Tim, Scott, Ernie, Dave, Rick, and many more.

    And the driver (and ‘diver’) guy…Gord Gingles.
    To all of you that have had a chance to meet him, he’s a genuine all-around great fella.
    And a hellava driver.
    And as with the rest of the crew, he does a tremendous amount of work on the car, makes lots of small parts for it, and lends his thoughts to the tune-up.

    Our ride doesn’t have the ‘latest & greatest’ parts & pieces, but we have greatest people behind it, and that I know, won us our first Nat’l Wally.

    (and hittin' the 20's was absolute icing!)

    I thank you all!
    Clif Bakx
    TAD 589
  2. 310TAD

    310TAD Top Alcohol

    May 11, 2003
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    Well deserved

    Impressive job last weekend!
    Congrats again.

    Marty Thacker & crew
  3. Bob Meyer

    Bob Meyer Comp Eliminator

    May 13, 2003
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    Congrats on you 1st win, and also for the well written Thanks to all those you mentioned! It'll mean a lot to them.'s about people and the memories!

    Bob Meyer
    Meyer Race Cars / San Diego
    2013 Our 48th Anniversary
  4. Cdn526

    Cdn526 Member

    Dec 12, 2006
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    Thanks Robert, Marty & Bob; it was quite the weekend!
    We really appreciatte all the support.

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