Top Alcohol SRAC Meeting Notice

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by 310TAD, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. 310TAD

    310TAD Top Alcohol

    May 11, 2003
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    Top Alcohol SRAC Meeting Date Set

    The Top Alcohol Sportsman Racer Advisory Council (SRAC) has scheduled a meeting on August 7th. Council member encourage you to contact them in advance of the scheduled meeting to share thoughts, concerns and ideas about your category.

    Chairperson Frank Nelson Jr
    D1 Mike Kosky
    D2 Artie Allen
    D3 Marty Thacker
    D4 Tom Conway
    D5 Kirk Williams
    D6 Brian Hough
    D7 Steve Gasparrelli

    If you have ideas or concerns aimed at improving the Top Alcohol classes (not just your teams chances), please get ahold of your representative before August 7th. Please remember that most of us have regular jobs and may not be able to be on the phone at certain times of the day. I know e-mails work best for me (Sorry I don't have everyones e-mail addresses).

    Marty Thacker
  2. underby6

    underby6 Active Member

    Sep 28, 2006
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    We had a braking issue in Columbus, the car shook in low and knocked the snap ring out of the master cylinder. This is a footbrake car but it's all relative. The plunger and spring came out of the cylinder etc. etc.. There are few things as disheartening as hitting the chutes, then going for the brakes, only to have your foot sliding all over brake fluid. That said, we made a small tethering device that would only allow the pedal or handle to come back to a certain point; effectively keeping the master cylinder components intact. My good pal Joe Lease actually came up with this idea, not sure if it's something to bring up or propose as an idea - just my $.02. Could save someones life......

    Brandon Booher
    NHRA TAD #323
    Torque MGMT. - Owner
  3. diamond mill

    diamond mill New Member

    Nov 22, 2011
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    Brake pedal return stop

    Passenger cars have incorporated brake pedal return stops for who knows how many years. Grab the pedal in your driver and pull it back. It hits a rubber stopper. The snap ring coming out in Brandons car is probably one in a million, but he proved it can happen.

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