Lenco drive vs Clutch

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Gene Terenzio, Dec 1, 2004.

  1. rpmhiperf

    rpmhiperf Blown Alcohol

    Aug 16, 2004
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    We had alot of problems with the brake in the begining. (we burnt it up more than once) Remember this isn't the Lenco-drive. I don't know how they compare, other than I've been told the Lenco has a better, quicker releasing brake. We did finally get decent reaction times,.080 range. I wasn't as consistant as I am with a clutch. Hey, I'm not a Pro, only a try hard part-timmer. The convertor was a whole nother can of worms,and not much, if any, cheaper than a clutch..... The car currently has a clutch in it.
  2. uwarrior

    uwarrior Member

    Jul 16, 2003
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    NHRA let's you use a transbrake button on the steering wheel, so your finger can release the button.

    IHRA requires you to have a foot operated trans brake switch.

    Not to keen on foot brake switch, I think it's easier for the foot to hit the transbrake switch by accident than the finger. Now you need more plumbing, to have a lockout after the foot releases the transbrake. You have limited space in a funny car and the more "stuff" you have, the greater the possiblity of something going wrong or breaking.

    Snyder's reaction time have been better than average. Is it the Lencodrive or the driver or both?

    Paul Weiss
  3. Will Martin

    Will Martin New Member

    Nov 23, 2004
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    What is the intial cost of the lenco drive with converter and for the people running the turbo 400 what were the advantages besides durability. We are thinking about running a 3 speed lenco drive in our cifca car and feed back and help would be great
  4. uwarrior

    uwarrior Member

    Jul 16, 2003
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    Ballpark new prices for a Lencodrive setup would be $9500 for the Lencodrive. Ti 7.5 inch can $2700. Converter $2800. Flexplate $200. Trans blanket Nylon $275 Kevlar $590. Most likely,you would need the Kevlar if you run a funny car, for clearance issues.
    These are ballpark numbers as I don't sell any of these products, so please don't hold me or anyone else to these numbers.

    Hope this will help
  5. DQUES

    DQUES Member

    May 20, 2004
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    unwarrior , those are very accurate prices on all items .
  6. smb

    smb Jr. Dragster

    Dec 23, 2004
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    We have a Quicker Drive unit and are having some transbrake dramas, it will hold the car at idle but as soon as I start to bring the RPM up it starts to slip. Any one have any ideas?
  7. rpmhiperf

    rpmhiperf Blown Alcohol

    Aug 16, 2004
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    We had the same problem in an altered I drove with a Quicker-Drive. Check your battery condition, or install a larger battery. With a small battery the voltage drops to fast and allows the brake to slip. Check your clutch pack, if it slips at all it's probably burnt. Call B&J, they handle the Quicker-Drive now.
  8. alcohol paul

    alcohol paul Jr. Dragster

    Oct 5, 2003
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    I have been running a Lenco Drive and a Neal Chance Converter in an altered and loving it! The only problem I have had is a leaking front seal in 75 passes.( Did I say I love it. ) The motor makes close to 2000hp best 60 ft .966 best 1/8th 4.11. I would suggest making a trans brake lock out by plumbing a Normaly Closed pressure switch in the second gear air line, so when the trans is shifted into second gear the switch will open and not the allow the trans brake to activate. If you want to see some guys that make this trans work and post some killer 1/8th mile times go to protopoutlaws.com My car is the black altered.
  9. Paul
    Thanks for the input. for the money to agervassion difference its worth it it. 75 runs and a little leak I can deal with that.

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