oil pressure

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by tcarr, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. tcarr

    tcarr Member

    Jun 13, 2013
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    hey guys, have a quesion more then a problem here but we run a blown front engine dragster and just this season for a racepak for it, a used v300 ( non SD ) but new to us unit.

    Previously we have had just a mechaincal oil pressure gauge and it is always around the 100psi mark. The gauge has a steel braided line that runs from the rear of the block to the gauge directly which is mounted on the rear of the supercharger.
    Now with the Racepak i have installed a T fitting inbetween the block and flex line. threads directly into the block with the racepak sensor on 1 leg and the steel braid on the the other leg which then goes to the gauge as it was origianly.

    After downloading the Racepak and reviewin the run the oil pressure is constantly up around the 200-350 psi range. And the anolog gauge still reads as it has at the 100psi mark.

    Do i have a Racepak calibration issue? A faulty anolog gauge? faltuy sensor? or somthing im missing completly? thanks for any advice in advance.

    526 KB/Olds
    Moroso Dry sump pump
    max 8000rpm
    7.0X @ 200 setup
  2. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Call Eric Lowe at Racepak (949) 709-1572. He is the V300 guy.
  3. Greg Kelley

    Greg Kelley Member

    Oct 15, 2009
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    Disconnect the sender from the snap plug and do a telemetry with the motor not running. oil pressure (assuming a 0-300 psi range) should be -37.5

    Second issue; you will kill the OP sender if you leave it directly connected to the block. Remote/soft mount the sender with a -3 line. RP sells a 4" braided line for this purpose.

    Getting back to OP numbers, it seems suspicious that RP op varies 150 psi.

    GK www.motorsportsinnovations.com
  4. tcarr

    tcarr Member

    Jun 13, 2013
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    thanks for the number mike i will try giving him a call.

    Also thanks greg i will try it un pluged and see what it says. I had never thought about the vibrations killing the sensor directily connected like that so thank you for pointing that out i will remount it for sure.
    also i rechecked my racepack and the numbers i listed before are a little off, the racepak shows the oil pressure range from the high of 247 early in the run and a low of 215 after the gear change.
  5. rickey

    rickey Member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    I always use a air regulator (100psi) and blower nozzle to test my sensors

    for peice of mind you might try it

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